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Absolute Surrender

By Rebecca Hays Lord teach me the power of absolute surrender. Years ago I was blessed to have a pastor who taught me the value of these words – yet as is true so often in the Christian life, some things are easier said than done.  I had no idea of the journey the Lord…

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10 Ways God Provides – Part 1

God Provides Part 1

By Brian Kluth God is bigger than money. God is our provider.  While God may choose to use money as part of his provisions for us, he is much bigger than money and he has many ways he provides. Over the years in Christian leadership I have discovered at least 10 ways God provides for ministries and…

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The Complaining Heart

“Complaining is a cry against God; lamenting is a cry for God. Complaining is self-centered; lamenting is God centered. To complain is to cry against God’s providence; to lament is to cry over God’s providence. Therefore, complaining is always a sin, while lamenting is not.” —Tullian Tchividjian  “The whole congregation of the children of Israel…

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The Pursuit of God's Will

By Dr. R.Scott Rodin The single most important work we do as steward leaders is to seek to know God’s will and pursue it with obedience and excellence. If you agree, let me ask you how many times you have thought or said out loud, ‘If only we knew for certain what God wanted us…

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Measuring Impact

By Ashley Hurley One of the greatest challenges for any donor is being a good steward over the funds that have been entrusted to them. At the Stoller Foundation, we receive numerous requests for funding and many are for praiseworthy projects. How do we narrow them down? How do we choose? I think the answer…

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The Cloud of Negative Thinking

Christian Leadership Alliance - A Leader's Choice

“There’s nothing magic about it, but seeing things in a positive light—including yourself—will give you that attitude necessary to succeed.” ~ Kevin Leman “The Angel of the Lord appeared to him, and said to him, ‘The Lord is with you, you mighty man of valor!’” (Judges 6:12 NKJV) Gideon felt he had too many problems.…

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Outcomes vs. Process: Which Matters Most to God?

Christian Leadership Alliance, Executive Leadership, Stewardship

 By Dr. John R. Frank, CFRE As a consultant, many times the goal with a ministry client is to increase outcomes. In other words, raise more money, attract new donors, and increase board involvement. These are things that are good, positively impact the ministry, and produce results that propel the organization to a higher level…

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Looking For Opportunity

Christian Leadership Alliance: Seeking to serve others

“Every honest effort you make to help other people will come back to you in some way, at some time, and often when you least expect it.”—Brian Tracy  “The Lord said to her, ‘My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details! There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary…

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When Stewards Fail: Repentance

By Howard Rich Leadership development tends to focus on increases in effectiveness, doing right things, forming healthy habits, and building success.  On our road to successful and effective leadership we learn practices and techniques intended to help us make good decisions, lead ourselves well, and propel our organizations and people to win.  But, what do…

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The Stamp of Approval

An Interview by Laura Leonard for Outcomes Magazine As president of ECFA, Dan Busby is out to help churches and Christ-centered organizations operate with sound financial practices. ECFA offers accreditation for organizations that meet the ECFA   standards. Outcomes spoke with Busby about the importance of wise financial stewardship for Christian ministries. How does accreditation with…

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