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Control By Ed McDowell

The Truth About Control In one verse, God’s word gives us the truth about control.  There are two sources of control, a focus of control, and two very different outcomes. “So letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace.” Romans 8:6…

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The Danger of Control By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

Don’t Let Control Get You in a Choke Hold At some point, the transformation of a steward leader includes facing one’s demand for control and micromanagement. The wrestle for control is the essential challenge. Embracing our identity as faithful stewards begins by acknowledging that we serve on another’s behalf. I’ve found that the desire for…

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The Battle of a Steward Leader By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

The Battle Steward Leaders Encounter Steward leader. What do these words even mean? I am struggling. I am wrestling.  It’s a battle. Beyond trendy management models and pithy blog posts, God is challenging me. He is disrupting the bedrock of my soul. What does mean to BE a steward – at all the times and…

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The Truth About Control By Wayne Hastings

What’s got control of you? We, especially those of us who live in the Western world, love to think we are in control. We think—in fact, we’re told from a young age—that we can do it all. We work so hard to control our money, our time, our talents, and yet—no matter how hard we…

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Life is Full of Lessons By Suzy West

Life is full of lessons. Handle them with care. Really! I love a new project – especially one that will utilize my gifts but also challenges me in the process. God knows this. He created me the way I am. But I’m also a sinful creature that can be too self-assured at times. “Tough project,…

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The Owner Leader By R. Scott Rodin

By R. Scott Rodin ~ There are countless temptations that face us as leaders and three in particular create a perfect storm that can trap us into the bondage of the owner leader.  How do you react when people who are seeking to raise funds ask to have access to ‘your people’? Your answer is…

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Who Is In Control?

“Unless we’re convinced the good Lord is in absolute control of everything, we’ll be controlled by anxiety and fear.”—George Foreman  God is our Refuge and Strength [mighty and impenetrable to temptation], a very present and well-proved help in trouble. ~ Psalm 46:1 AMP  We, especially those of us who live in the Western world, love…

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