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7 Library Builders for Leaders

Leaders are readers, we know that to be true. Check out these books for great insights on culture, trends, kingdom issues, spiritual development and more. 1. Churchless: Understanding Today’s Unchurched and How to Connect With Them By George Barna and David Kinnaman  (Tyndale Momentum, 2014) There is a growing sense among Christ-followers that the culture…

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Leaders for this Time and Place

Listen to advice and accept instruction, that you may gain wisdom in the future.      Proverbs 19:20 At The Outcomes Conference: CLA Dallas 2015, Christian leaders will explore the times we are in and the stewardship responsibilities that come with them. The 2015 keynote presenters are prayerfully studying God’s Word and waiting on him for the…

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More Ways to Mobilize the Millennials by David Kinnaman

By David Kinnaman Born between 1984 and 2002, Millennials, while part of our broader North American culture, also share within their generational cohort a unique set of values, assumptions and allegiances that are different from and, in many ways, profoundly disruptive to existing worldviews. This has had — and will continue to have — significant…

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Mobilizing the Next Generation by David Kinnaman

By David Kinnaman Every organization has a worldview. In part, such worldviews consist of assumptions that are self-?evidently true to those working for the enterprise. They are ?so much a part of us that we don’t have to think about them; ?in fact, we don’t think about them, which is why we call ?them assumptions!…

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Leading in Digital Babylon By David Kinnaman

Our team at Barna continues to explore today’s generation of younger Christians, the vitality of churches and nonprofits, and the tsunami of cultural change around us. I am convinced that we are facing an era of ministry that might be described as digital Babylon: an immersive, reality-redefining experience driven by ubiquitous access to interconnected screens…

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