Leaders for this Time and Place
Listen to advice and accept instruction, that you may gain wisdom in the future. Proverbs 19:20
At The Outcomes Conference: CLA Dallas 2015, Christian leaders will explore the times we are in and the stewardship responsibilities that come with them.
The 2015 keynote presenters are prayerfully studying God’s Word and waiting on him for the message he wants us to hear in this hour. We have great expectations as we come together in these corporate times of worship, prayer, and learning. Trusting God, we seek to gain the wisdom we need to guide the future. We are grateful for the men and women who are appointed to lead us during these sessions of inspiration and instruction.
The 2015 Keynote Speakers
Jonathan Evans
Jonathan Evans, a mentor, author, speaker and former NFL fullback treasures his relationship with Christ along with the opportunity to use his life to glorify God. He serves as the chaplain of the Dallas Cowboys, studies at Dallas Theological Seminary, mentors youth in his home church, and leads young adults around the country through a variety of ways. Jonathan is a dynamic speaker at churches, conferences, men’s events, banquets, youth, and FCA events. He is committed to developing the next generation of devoted Christian leaders.
David Kinnaman
David Kinnaman is the President and Strategic Leader of The Barna Group. Since joining Barna in 1995, David has designed and analyzed nearly 500 projects for a variety of clients. As a spokesperson for the firm¹s research, he is frequently quoted in major media outlets. He is also in demand as a speaker about ministry trends, today’s teenagers, the profile of young leaders, and generational changes. He is the author of the best-selling book, unChristian: What a New Generation Really Thinks About Christianity, and the Barna report, Ministry to Mosaics: Teens and the Supernatural.
Israel Gaither
Commissioner Israel L. Gaither is the (retired) past National Commander of The Salvation Army, U.S.A. He was ordained and commissioned as a Salvation Army clergy member in 1964. Commissioners Israel and Eva Gaither retired in 2010 following a four-year assignment as National Commander and National President of Women’s Ministries, and 40 years of dedicated service to The Salvation Army. Gaither is also a past board member of Christian Leadership Alliance.
Walt Wilson
Walt Wilson is founder and chairman of Global Media Outreach (GMO), reaching almost a half-billion people annually with the Gospel of Jesus Christ in multiple languages from every nation on earth. With over 45 years’ experience as an operating executive in Silicon Valley, Wilson has served in a variety of management positions with three Fortune 50 companies including, Apple Computer. There he served as the General Manager of US Operations and a member of the management team that led the company into the Macintosh era. He is the author of The Internet Church, published by Thomas Nelson/Word.
Judge Ken Starr
A distinguished academician, lawyer, public servant and sixth-generation Texan, Judge Ken Starr serves as the chief executive officer of Baylor University holding the titles of President and Chancellor. On June 1, 2010 Judge Starr began his service as the 14th person to serve Baylor University’s president and was named to the position of president and chancellor on November 11, 2013. In providing the additional title, he is charged with the task of increasing Baylor’s influence in the nation and around the world. Judge Starr is the author of more than 25 publications.
Joni Eareckson Tada
Joni Eareckson Tada, the founder and chief executive officer of Joni and Friends International Disability Center, is an international advocate for people with disabilities. A diving accident in 1967 left Joni Eareckson, then 17, a quadriplegic in a wheelchair. After two years of rehabilitation, she emerged with new skills and a fresh determination to help others in similar situations. She founded Joni and Friends in 1979 to provide Christ-centered programs to special-needs families, as well as training to churches.
Christine Caine
Christine Caine is the director of Equip and Empower Ministries. She is an avid believer in the hope-giving power of the local church and is passionate about the responsibility of the church to rise up and make a difference in the lives of hurting people around the world. Christine and her husband Nick are the founders of The A21 Campaign, an anti-human trafficking organization with the ambition of abolishing slavery in the 21st century. She is the author of many books, her latest is, Unstoppable.
CLA is delighted Graham Hepburn will be joining us again in his role as The Outcomes Conference Emcee!
Register TODAY for The Outcomes Conference: CLA Dallas 2015
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