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Fundraising Plans for 2020 By Nicole Nieves

Five Fundraising Plans to Implement in 2020 If you listed the top five ways your organization could start the year off strong, what would make the cut? Perhaps it’s staying ahead of the latest trends, having a solid strategic plan, or effectively utilizing data and analysis. But there’s one thing even more important than all…

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Text Message Fundraising By Amy Sewell

Text messages for fundraising – what every nonprofit needs to know! Text messaging is the one method of communication out there that stands alone with a 95% open rate. As mailboxes, inboxes, and social feeds get more complex and crowded this platform brings new hope. Their unique ability to get a message right in front…

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Abounding in Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving for the featured sponsors and exhibitors – #Outcomes19 Christian Leadership Alliance gives thanks for the sponsors and exhibitors who supported the Outcomes Conference 2019. This post is in honor of the ministries, organizations and businesses that dedicate their time, talents and resources to strengthening those called to lead and serve in churches, nonprofit ministry…

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Facebook and Fundraising By Amy Sewell

The value of Facebook for Fundraising Recently, I was talking with the director of development for one of the organizations we serve, and he expressed that he was feeling fed up with social networks making changes that hamper organizations. Why should an organization continue to put resources into tools that could easily change the rules…

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Gratitude Boosts Donor Retention By Jonathan Steck

Gratitude Boosts Donor Retention and Commitment With donor retention numbers dropping across our sector, I decided to reach out to a circle of my friends to learn their experiences about why they give. I asked each of them the same question, hoping their answers would help me understand why donors give financially and more importantly,…

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Choosing Your Next CRM Platform by Amy Sewell

Four Things to Consider When Choosing Your Next CRM Platform Selecting a new Constituent Relationship Management (CRM) platform is a critically important task and one that can have various levels of complexity. There is a large amount of information to be learned and implemented, and considerations should be given to how the platform impacts the…

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It’s Like Velcro By David Wollen

It’s Like Velcro . . . Multi-Channel Strategies and Why They Matter Velcro is a simple concept. It’s nothing more than hundreds of little plastic hooks on one side and corresponding loops on the other. Get one hook through one loop and you’ll get a little lift. Connect enough of them and you can pick…

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Equipped and United

The Outcomes Conference 2016 has come to an end and leaders have been equipped and united as one alliance with one shared outcome – to transform the world for Christ. Christian Leadership Alliance (CLA) is grateful for the amazing faculty (Alliance members), exhibitors, and volunteers that make this event happen every year. Their passion and commitment…

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Developing Strategic Donor Campaigns by Douglas Shaw

By Douglas K. Shaw ~ In developing strategic donor campaigns, we need biblical stewardship principles to navigate this new world. The overarching principle is that we are, for a fact, using every channel available to us, in the most effective way. And just as every channel is unique, so is every ministry. Because we are…

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3 Major Roadblocks to Fundraising as Ministry

By Rebekah Basinger There is much to be gained from the fundraiser’s point of view in approaching our work as a calling. So what’s holding us back? As I’ve talked with people about the challenges of pursuing fundraising as a ministry, the following are the three major roadblocks to fundraising as ministry that have shown…

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