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Stewardship of Your Words by Mark L. Vincent

By Mark L. Vincent A sermon I heard recently focused on the five Hebrew words that Jonah preached to Nineveh: Forty-Days-More-Nineveh-Will be Destroyed. It takes more words in English, as Jonah’s Hebrew requires just one word to indicate verb tense. The preacher pointed out that these harsh yet necessary words were not great words to hear,…

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4 Tips on How To Eliminate Distractions by Jeremy Kingsley

By Jeremy Kingsley Not that long ago, most professionals went about their jobs cloistered in a private office with a desk, some files and papers, and a phone. These days, we’re far more likely to be working in a semi-private or open office environment, a Starbucks, or even from home. Focusing on work often involves…

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8 Postures of a Steward Leader by Mark L. Vincent

  Faithfulness is one of the foundations for an effective resource-raising program. I’ve often summarized the faithful life of the steward as Generous God, Generous Life. On more than one occasion, when speaking on the subject, I’ve created a picture of how this is lived by kneeling with raised arms. This posture of the steward…

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Lock in a Strong Start to 2015 by Tami Heim

By  Tami Heim Refreshment and renewal are common companions that usher in a new year. As a leader, you know well the routine of setting goals, expectations, and documenting the desired outcomes you are compelled to achieve. Reflecting and reconciling the past brings forth energy that fuels your plans for the future. Possibilities abound and…

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What You Should Know About the Changing Digital Landscape

By Gordon Marcy and Tami Heim With all the noise in today’s world, it is critical that ministry leaders know how to focus their time and attention before God. Those called to lead in such a time as this must discern how to embrace what God is making possible for leadership development and his service.…

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Woman Interrupted – A Leader's Story

By Patti Garibay In 1993, my life’s course changed, and I became a “woman interrupted.” God interrupted my life and called me to found a new organization for girls — the American Heritage Girls (AHG) — as a response to the major changes in direction of the Girl Scouts USA (GSUSA). His voice was clear…

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The Mentoring Impact on Ministry

By Dr. Liz Selzer Mentoring is a powerful tool for developing your staff and, ultimately, your ministry. This is especially true when jobs are tight and people are being asked to take on more tasks and step into more roles. The organizations I have worked with on mentoring have seen dramatic improvements in their workforce,…

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Are You Walking With God?

In April 2014, Pastor Francis Chan addressed Christian leaders assembled for the Christian Leadership Alliance (CLA) national conference in Dallas (CLA Dallas 2014). Prior to going on stage to address attendees, Francis Chan sat down with CLA President and CEO Tami Heim for a backstage interview. Here is an excerpt from that video interview as…

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Defining Steward Leadership

By  Kent R. Wilson Ph.D. In the past three decades there has been an increasing interest and reference to steward leadership. But for all of the articles, books and seminars that have been given on steward leadership, I find one fact that stands out: we have yet to agree on a core definition of steward…

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24 Benefits of Mentoring Relationships

By Tami Heim This week, Christian Leadership Alliance announced the launch of The Outcomes Mentoring Network. As we witness the intensity of the events happening around the world, we recognize  these times call for Christian leaders equipped for kingdom excellence. We must prepare the next generation to lead and we believe that a mentoring relationship…

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