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Who Is In Control?

“Unless we’re convinced the good Lord is in absolute control of everything, we’ll be controlled by anxiety and fear.”—George Foreman  God is our Refuge and Strength [mighty and impenetrable to temptation], a very present and well-proved help in trouble. ~ Psalm 46:1 AMP  We, especially those of us who live in the Western world, love…

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The Most Difficult of Seasons

By Cheryl Lee Davis Sometimes the challenges are put on us — a boss asks us to do something immoral, a colleague regularly escapes pain through excessive food or alcohol consumption, team members slip into affairs, or a trusted leader gossips. Sometimes, we bring on the difficulty. Insecurity rules our lives and keeps us from…

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Lessons for Leaders: Accessibility

By Wayne Pederson When I first started in management, I bumped into our CEO.  For point of contact, I asked if I could stop by his office for a quick visit. He hesitated, squirmed and finally said he was totally booked for the next three months. I was kind of impressed with how busy he…

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Does Your Definition of Stewardship Determine Your Leadership Style?

By Dr. John R. Frank Here is an interesting question concerning the relationship between these two words.  The Steward Leader can be a title, a phrase, a label, and a movement. And yet I have not considered nor read much about the relationship between the two words. When I have discussed the steward leader concept with…

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Leading Boldly and Depending on God

By Nancy Hathaway Back in the mid-90s, my husband Steve and I prayed that God would use us in some way. We had busy and satisfying careers, but were restless. We didn’t want to waste the rest of our lives. Looking back I can see God was changing our hearts. Over time it became clear…

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The Only Applause That Matters

By Dr. R. Scott Rodin A bookmark of mine carries a thought that has stayed with me throughout my years in leadership. It reads, “It doesn’t matter if the world knows, or sees or understands, the only applause we are meant to seek is that of nail-scarred hands.”  Leaders are exposed to opportunities to generate applause. …

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The Complaining Heart

“Complaining is a cry against God; lamenting is a cry for God. Complaining is self-centered; lamenting is God centered. To complain is to cry against God’s providence; to lament is to cry over God’s providence. Therefore, complaining is always a sin, while lamenting is not.” —Tullian Tchividjian  “The whole congregation of the children of Israel…

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The Pursuit of God's Will

By Dr. R.Scott Rodin The single most important work we do as steward leaders is to seek to know God’s will and pursue it with obedience and excellence. If you agree, let me ask you how many times you have thought or said out loud, ‘If only we knew for certain what God wanted us…

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The Cloud of Negative Thinking

Christian Leadership Alliance - A Leader's Choice

“There’s nothing magic about it, but seeing things in a positive light—including yourself—will give you that attitude necessary to succeed.” ~ Kevin Leman “The Angel of the Lord appeared to him, and said to him, ‘The Lord is with you, you mighty man of valor!’” (Judges 6:12 NKJV) Gideon felt he had too many problems.…

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Looking For Opportunity

Christian Leadership Alliance: Seeking to serve others

“Every honest effort you make to help other people will come back to you in some way, at some time, and often when you least expect it.”—Brian Tracy  “The Lord said to her, ‘My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details! There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary…

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