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Passing the Test

Dr. Shirley A. Mullen Higher education has come slowly to true outcomes assessment. Christian higher education has been no exception. We have made plans for years — even plans that we called “strategic.” We have certainly done “evaluation” of students. We have regularly evaluated each other through the peer accreditation process. But in all of…

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Eternity-Oriented Metrics

Steward leaders use eternity-oriented metrics to measure the effectiveness of faithfulness-focused strategies. They tend to be more qualitative than quantitative. For example, Jesus called twelve disciples and instructed them to make disciples. He defined that not with quantifiable evangelistic goals (such as number of souls saved), but with the qualitative imperative that they team people…

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What Song is Your Life Streaming?

By Doug Nuenke How would those closest to you — your spouse, a close friend, or a team member — describe the melody of your life? Would they suggest a light-hearted Bach fugue or a dramatic Beethoven symphony? How would they characterize the tempo and the dynamics of your life?  “He was busy.” “She made…

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The Choice

Today is the first day of the 2014 CLA National Conference in Dallas. The theme of this year’s conference is Kingdom Outcomes.  Each year, CLA selects one book that captures the spirit of the theme. The conference book of the year for 2014 is, The Choice: The Christ-Centered Pursuit of Kingdom Outcomes  (ECFA Press 2014) By Gary…

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How Do You Define Success?

by Gary G. Hoag, Ph.D. How do you define success in your church or ministry setting? In The Choice: The Christ-Centered Pursuit of Kingdom Outcomes, R. Scott Rodin, Wesley K. Willmer, and I suggest that most people define success in one of two ways, and this decision charts a predictable course that sends us down…

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Leadership Lessons From A Life Of Ministry

By Judy Douglass Leaders are learners. At least that’s my experience. I’m a reader, so I learn a lot from the blogs, articles, and books I read. I also learn because I’m (by background) a curious journalist and I ask a lot of questions. And, hopefully, I keep my eyes open to absorb what I…

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Exchanging Pride for Humility

  By Jenni Catron Personally I think Peter gets a bad rap. Many of us are too quick to judge Peter, who is famously remembered for denying Jesus three times. Our self-righteousness gets the better of us, and whether we admit it or not, we’re tempted to believe that in his shoes, we never would have…

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Leadership: What Christian Women Need to Know

By Halee Gray Scott Ph.D. Christian women have been shamed into a corner. Many have bought the lie that they are the second sex—they do not matter and they are not gifted, at least not in the ways that matter most. They got the message that they need to limit their horizons, temper their ambitions.…

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A Steward’s Relationship With the Owner By Kent R. Wilson

Most definitions of stewardship include in one way or another the concept “to manage resources that belong to another.” But what most definitions miss is a critical aspect of a steward’s role: that stewards manage those resources in order to achieve the goals and objectives of the owner. Stewards are the representatives of the owner…

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Are You Listening? By Dr. Henry Cloud

“You won’t believe what happened today,” a leadership conference attendee said at the dinner gathering. “What?” I asked. “After your talk today about trust being built through connecting with another person’s reality, I had a breakthrough,” he said. “Really? What happened?” I asked. “Well, for the last year, I have been stuck in a logjam…

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