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Leadership Lessons Lost By R. Scott Rodin

How would you answer these three questions: Is God leading you on a path of deepening faith and discovery in your role as a leader Do you believe He cares as much about your spiritual development as your vocational success? How does God teach you? Consider your answers and see if they don’t paint a…

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How Do Leaders Learn? By Dr. John R. Frank

 I was pondering this question recently as I looked at some things in my personal ministry timeline. When I was in my 20’s I lead teams of young people on musical ministry tours across the U.S. and around the world. We performed a concert every night and two on Sundays in the U.S.  When we…

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Steward Leaders Reject Pride By Howard Rich

As children, we likely played a game called follow-the-leader, where the leader does things that the rest of the group must mimic. The main objective is to trip up those following the leader by doing things in such a complicated manner that those in the group will find it impossible to follow.  As players are…

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Getting Out of the Maze by R. Scott Rodin

Find the Way Out Jesus proclaimed that He is ‘the way, the truth, and the life.” If that is right (and it is), why do we sometimes feel like we have lost our way? In our careers in leadership, we will find ourselves from time to time feeling like we are just muddling through rather…

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Tired and Want to Quit? By Dan Busby

Ever get tired and want to quit? I certainly have. And, there are certain times in life when we should quit. When we discern what we are doing is not in accordance with God’s plan, we should quit. If we are headed in the wrong direction, we should quit traveling that way. When our “passion…

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Redefining Stewardship By Dr. John R. Frank

A blog is a type of conversation, is it not? So lets have a conversation about the definition of stewardship. I challenge blog aficionados to come to the blog and discuss a topic that most do not like to talk about. In fact, our seminaries do not teach it, our conferences try to offer examples…

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Following God's Lead: Pamela Palumbo's Story

In 1982, Pamela Palumbo, volunteered for what she thought was going to be a six-month stint at her church’s ministry to women at risk for abortions. Thirty-one years later, she continues as CEO of the Pregnancy Clinic, with locations in Annapolis, Bowie Crofton, and Severna Park, Md. She spoke with Outcomes about how the ministry has embraced…

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4 Reasons Why Following Well Matters By James C. Galvin

Leadership remains a white-hot topic. Amazon lists over 1,000 new titles that will be released in 2013 alone. That means a new book on leadership is being listed on Amazon every eight hours. I decided to add to the overabundance and write a book to help people formulate a sound theology of leadership. But I…

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It Is The Veteran

Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends. ~ John 15:13 Millions of men and women have died, been wounded or gone missing for the safety and freedom of America. On this Veteran’s Day we remember their commitment and unselfish service. We praise God for their faithfulness and…

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3 Principles of Truth and Trust By Dan Busby

Trust is difficult to earn, easy to lose, and even more difficult to regain. It has been said, “Trust leaves on horseback and returns on foot.” If true, it is no wonder it feels like the Kentucky Derby, Belmont Stakes, and Preakness Stakes have all three been running 24/7 in some high circles in the…

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