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Entering into The Next Normal By Dave Raley

Marketing and Fundraising in the Next Normal   Are you ready to enter into the next normal? According to a 2020 Pew survey, more than four out of every five U.S. adults say that there are lessons for mankind to learn from the coronavirus outbreak. And about a third of adults say these lessons are…

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Understanding Donors and Potential By Keith Cleghorn

What Every Fundraiser Needs to Know about Donors Chances are at some point in your fundraising career, you will question your communication plan for “major donors.” And while Douglas Shaw and Associates is not a major gifts consulting firm, we are often invited into conversations as an organization in defining the “boundaries” between direct response…

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Dramatic Changes in How Donors Give By Ray Gary

 Growing a Connected Giving Experience There has been dramatic changes in consumer behaviors. The marketplace today looks strikingly different than it did even ten years ago. The way people interact with the businesses they patron has fundamentally changed. Today, groceries are ordered online, movies, music, and television stream direct to our devices, and we pay…

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What Appeals and Invitations Reveal By Dr. Gary G. Hoag

What does the message in your appeals and invitations communicate? Almost daily in December my mailbox received a stack of direct mail appeals inviting us to participate with various ministries in their work through giving. One evening my wife neatly left a stack of them for me on the counter. The assortment included organizations we…

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Last-Minute Tips to Prepare for Year End By Ray Gary

  Time to Prepare for a Strong Finish to 2020! With the end of the year approaching, your nonprofit has developed a plan and kicked off your year-end campaign. But this year’s campaign undoubtedly looks different than any you’ve ever launched before. With all of the adjustments and accommodations you’ve had to make for COVID-19,…

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Year-End Giving in the Era of COVID-19 by Ray Gary

  Year-end Giving in a Different Global Landscape in 2020 The global landscape in 2020 looks wildly different than we imagined it would. Although it’s been a turbulent year, the shift to digital giving is creating new opportunities for nonprofits. By planning a year-end campaign that is engaging and easy to participate in, your organization…

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Custom Communications By Graham Shaw and Shelley Cochrane

Create Custom Communications that Work! It is possible for you to create custom communications that will work hard for you mission and ministry! “Your organization’s greatest challenge isn’t being exceptional, it’s being understood.” A friend of ours wrote this recently—and we would add, your greatest challenge isn’t being exceptional, it’s being understood so powerfully that…

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Pandemics, Elections and Fundraising By Wiley Stinnett and Christa Huff

What You Need to Know About Pandemics, Elections and Your Fundraising Now that we are a few months into this global pandemic, what have we learned about its impact on fundraising and what’s on the horizon—especially with the upcoming elections? The Pandemic So far, we’ve learned that the impact of COVID-19 is a process, not…

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Key Metrics for Donor Acquisition by Jillian Jenkins Mangin

TWO KEY METRICS THAT ARE CRITICAL TO DONOR ACQUISITION The start of a new year is one of the most enjoyable times of year for those of us who work in fundraising. The gifts are entered, the batches are complete, and now we get to see the cumulative impact of donors who were inspired to…

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The P2P Solution for Fundraisers During Crisis by Ray Gary

  Discover the Power of P2P Fundraising for Your Ministry How can peer-to-peer (P2P) fundraising help nonprofits make up for cancelled events and lost revenue during this crisis? The answer is simple. Your most loyal and engaged donors still believe in your mission and want it to succeed. By “calling them to arms” and equipping…

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