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Watch Your Language by Gary G. Hoag, Ph.D.

by Gary G. Hoag, Ph.D. Almost daily in December my mailbox received a stack of direct mail appeals inviting us to participate with various ministries in their work through giving. One evening my wife neatly left a stack of them for me on the counter. The assortment included organizations we have supported and others that…

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Give No More! by Wes Willmer

By Wes Willmer Imagine with me, one day you come home and start leafing through your mail – sorting the personal letters from the bills and the appeals- when your eye catches an envelope teaser that says, “Give No More.”  Intrigued, you open this appeal to find a short letter which states, “All our needs…

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Fundraising Philosophies And Board Ownership

By Kim Stezala I had a recent opportunity to lead a discussion with scholarship providers about board ownership of fundraising.  I presented three core fundraising philosophies:  sales, strategic, or stewardship-based, with various degrees of staff-driven or board-driven efforts. Depending on which philosophy the board ascribes to, the culture around fundraising, or more broadly about fund development,…

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The Power of Prayer in Kingdom Fundraising

By Jim Loscheider Years ago, one of my mentors shared a powerful concept that resonates with me to this day. He said, “the glory of God is our highest priority and prayer is our first work.”  Of course!  Everyone who’s been transformed by Christ will eventually discover that God owns it all, and we are simply…

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A Kingdom Path Perspective: Encouraging Major Gifts

By Gary G. Hoag, Ph.D. Years ago I attended a training session on “securing major gifts” for the ministry I served. The seminar shared tips for getting large gifts, and the presenters testified that if I followed their advice, I would reach my funding goals. The instructors said things like “it’s all about relationships” and…

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10 Ways God Provides – Part 2

By Brian Kluth God is bigger than money. God is our provider. While God may choose to use money as part of his provisions for us, he is much bigger than money and he has many ways he provides. Over the years in Christian leadership I have discovered at least 10 ways God provides for…

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10 Ways God Provides – Part 1

God Provides Part 1

By Brian Kluth God is bigger than money. God is our provider.  While God may choose to use money as part of his provisions for us, he is much bigger than money and he has many ways he provides. Over the years in Christian leadership I have discovered at least 10 ways God provides for ministries and…

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Measuring Impact

By Ashley Hurley One of the greatest challenges for any donor is being a good steward over the funds that have been entrusted to them. At the Stoller Foundation, we receive numerous requests for funding and many are for praiseworthy projects. How do we narrow them down? How do we choose? I think the answer…

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More Blessed: To Give or Receive?

By Lilya Wagner One of the most familiar texts in the Bible — that we remember from our childhood efforts to memorize key texts, and that has also taken on the air of an aphorism — is from Acts 20:35 in which Jesus is quoted as saying, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” That…

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Turbo-Powered Finance

By Mark Tjernagel “Wow! I am not used to that kind of acceleration and power … ,” I muttered to myself in my empty rental car on a recent business trip. My “sports car” rental provided a much different driving experience than my four-cylinder economy car back home. Normally, when I step on the gas…

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