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What Appeals and Invitations Reveal By Dr. Gary G. Hoag

What does the message in your appeals and invitations communicate? Almost daily in December my mailbox received a stack of direct mail appeals inviting us to participate with various ministries in their work through giving. One evening my wife neatly left a stack of them for me on the counter. The assortment included organizations we…

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Enslaved by Debt By Dr. Gary G. Hoag

  The Real and Present Dangers of Debt We live in a time when social activists are seeking to end slavery and human trafficking around the globe, while a more nefarious foe has enslaved the peoples of the earth: DEBT (Proverbs 22:7b). Our global economy has been built on debt. For Americans, the availability of…

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Biblical Insights on CEO Succession By Dr. Gary G. Hoag

Biblical Insights on CEO Succession to Guide Christian Organizations Though the world of the Bible differed greatly from present times, we do find examples of succession that can inform CEO transitions today. For example, Numbers 27:15-23 offers three keen insights from the story of Moses and Joshua. And Moses said to the Lord, “May the…

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God’s Word and Wisdom for CEOs By Gary G. Hoag

3 Biblical Principles to Guide CEOs As CEO of Global Trust Partners (GTP), I dug into God’s Word for wisdom to navigate the COVID-19 crisis. Three texts came into view. They are practical and applicable for CEOs worldwide. Chart the Course The apostle Paul was on the way to Rome when a storm came up.…

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Seven More Letters By Dr. Gary G. Hoag

Letters to Seven More Churches God gave John a message for each of the seven churches in Asia Minor. We read the seven letters in Revelation 2-3. Churches throughout history have found inspiration from these letters. We could summarize them in this way: To the church in Ephesus, He said, “Remember your first love!” (2:1-7).…

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Pray for People by Dr. Gary G. Hoag

You Unlock Kingdom Outcomes When You Pray for People At the inception of Christian mission, we find a very important insight from Jesus that relates to apostolic ministry in modern times and people. By apostolic, I simply mean work that seeks to take the gospel of Jesus Christ into new territory. He told them, “The…

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Accountability and Generosity By Dr. Gary G. Hoag

Accountability is essential to inspire generosity. To encourage greater generosity to your ministry, I want to encourage you to champion accountability. The connection between accountability and generosity can be traced back to the biblical pattern set by the Apostle Paul in his international orchestration of the Jerusalem collection from A.D. 53-58. In his correspondence, we…

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Your Most Important Message By Dr. Gary G. Hoag

Your most important message often appears as the least significant! As I navigate life, I realize the little things in life are really the big and important things. If I apply this idea to the many channels through which I receive messages, a keen insight emerges. At least I am learning this in my own…

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Empty Board Seats By Dr. Gary Hoag

Filling Empty Board Seats How did the early church select an overseer to fill an empty board seat (and what does this have to do with Holy Week)? Most answer this question by pointing to the qualifications lists of 1 Timothy 3:1–7 or Titus 1:5–10. While these texts list character traits to look for in…

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Asking the Right Questions by Dr. Gary Hoag

Why should board directors ask the right questions?   At the CMA Church and Nonprofit Governance Forum in Perth, Australia, on 22 February 2019, Mal Cooke, a wise lawyer and seasoned board member made this opening comment in his workshop. “The most significant statements you will ever make in a board room end with a…

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