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The Proactive Path By Paul Swamidass

The Proactive Path to a Goal There is a proactive path that will glorify God and we see a vivid example in scripture. And behold, some men were bringing on a bed a man who was paralyzed, and they were seeking to bring him in [to the house] and lay him before Jesus, but finding…

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Knowing the Need for Recovery By Ray Chung

My Name is Ray and I Am in Recovery Yes, my name is Ray, and I am in recovery. But not from an addiction to drugs or alcohol but from my own need to do and be more, to seek and gain approval, and to help others, even at great cost to myself and my…

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The Remedy for Unreachable Goals By Lee Ellis

The Remedy for Unreachable Goals: 4 Ways to Lead with Honor More unrealistic goals handed down from leadership where I didn’t have any input. So, here we go again. Accept it and figure out how to make it happen. Now I’m trapped in a corner, so I’ll have to “lie, cheat, and steal” (as the…

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Winning Goals – Part Two By Dr. Daniel Hallak

  The Heart of Winning Goals – Part Two Decades of research tells us that that goals are a powerful motivational force for winning. The deeper challenge is how to set the right goals and orient our hearts to put effort toward the things that matter most. When we set goals and take action, we…

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Goal-Setting Tips for Leaders By Lee Ellis

Three Springtime Goal-Setting Tips for Leaders If you’re feeling some anxiety or struggle about achieving goals that you set earlier in the year, here’s my advice for relieving that pressure: fail fast and avoid the drama. Just avoid making goals altogether. Seriously, you say? The concept of stretch goals for personal and professional growth can…

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Defining Christian Excellence

By Ted W. Engstrom & Ed Dayton Excellence is a Measure Excellence demands definition. One of the trite replies of our day, when asked how we like something or how well something is going is “Compared to what?” But excellence is like that. It assumes a standard. And conversely, excellence assumes inferiority. It assumes there’s…

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