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What Do You Trust? By Dr. Gary Hoag

What you trust determines how you handle challenging times. Trust can be an anchor in the storm. As the financial status of the world appears to be vulnerable, you’ve probably been tempted to get stressed out and worry about your personal or ministry finances. I know I have! I feel this pressure from our culture,…

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Thank God It’s… By R. Scott Rodin

Rethinking our view of work in light of God’s greater mission. “Thank God it’s Friday!” Have you ever said that? Thought it? If we’re not careful, we can fall into a distorted view of work that permeates our culture. For many, work is the toilsome necessity that we endure in order to enjoy the good…

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Does God Care? By David Wills

Does God care where we give? God cares about each of us. He allows us to steward financial resources for His glory and our good. He knows that as we glorify Him out of gratitude for His gifts to us, we experience true life. And He desires that we reflect His generosity through our giving.…

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God’s Desire? By Mart Green

What does God desire for us to do with what we have? God’s desire? A short answer to this question would be that we should invest our earnings in three ways: giving, saving, and spending. How we allocate to these three buckets will be completely based on our heart — the choice is left to…

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We Forget By Heather Day

How quickly we forget and give up a greater joy and purpose. By Heather Day ~ How quickly we forget the Scriptures are filled with stories of times when God provided for His people. And of course we see the subsequent forgetfulness of His people in recalling those provisions. For example, the Gospels of Matthew…

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God is Holy By Howard Rich

What is reminding you each day that God is holy? By Howard Rich ~ My family’s cat wakes me up just before sunrise wanting me to feed her and then take her outside on our back porch. After spending a few minutes out on the porch, I usher her back inside so I can go…

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Hearing God By Peggy Reynoso

A “rule of life” that facilitates hearing God is learning to live in constant awareness of God’s presence. By Peggy Reynoso ~ Jesus, Emmanuel — “God with us” — did not leave us to live our lives alone. He sent us his Spirit so that we might live our lives with him. Brother Lawrence called…

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What Makes Steward Leadership Unique By Kent R. Wilson

What Makes Steward Leadership Unique By Kent R. Wilson, PhD~ Steward leadership isn’t just a new name for other traditional approaches to leading the for-profit or nonprofit organization. And it isn’t just a slight variation of servant leadership. It is unique approach to leading that is one of the oldest biblical models as well as…

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The Atoning Death

The marvel of heaven and earth, of time and eternity, is the atoning death of Jesus Christ. This is the mystery that brings more glory to God than all creation. ~ C. H. Spurgeon As they led him off, they made Simon, a man from Cyrene who happened to be coming in from the countryside,…

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