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Innovate to Great by Allen Thornburgh

Six Steps to Innovate and Drive Growth Remember Circuit City? “Where service is state of the art”? Dark, cavernous consumer electronics stores with red carpet and nearly-impossibly- knowledgeable salespeople? Ring a bell? Not if you’re under 30, because Circuit City — one of Jim Collins’ “great” companies in his bestseller Good To Great (Harper Collins,…

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Leadership Paradox By Lee Ellis

Three Strategic Tips for Living in the Balance of the Leadership Paradox By Lee Ellis ~ The temptation is there for all us, but it’s easier to notice in others – “Why do they lead this organization the same old way? And why do they only see life from their myopic view?” The ability to…

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Good to Great Governance: Who Cares?

 By John Pearson You’ve heard the sad story of the board that belatedly realizes their CEO has learned very little from 20 years of CEO “leadership.” Instead, the scorecard would reveal that he or she has had just one year of leadership—but repeated 20 times. How about your board? Are your governance competencies improving, plateauing, or…

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Is Great the Enemy of Godly? By Mike Bonem

“Good is the enemy of great,” according to Jim Collins in the well-known opening line of Good to Great. Collins’s best-selling book has been a favorite guide for business leaders and has been equally influential for many leaders outside of business, including those in the church. I am one of those leaders who have been…

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