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Defining a Future By Janet Stump

Defining a Future that Leads to Flourishing By Janet Stump~ In his classic book, Leadership is an Art, Max DePree, made the oft-quoted statement, “The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality.” And as simple as that might sound, “reality” in a highly pluralistic society is not as easy to define as one…

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Leaders Investing in Leaders

In 2016, Christian Leadership Alliance (CLA) celebrates 40 years of leaders investing in leaders.  It all began on March 20, 1976, when a group of 20 people met for the first time in a small meeting room inside the old Rodger Young Auditorium in Los Angeles. The founders of this gathering identified a true felt…

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Ministry Leaders and Metrics by Gary G. Hoag, Ph.D.

By Gary G. Hoag, Ph.D. Governing boards often require ministry leaders to use a variety of “metrics” to report results. These “metrics” often reflect the desired outcomes of ministry activity. Consider some examples of this practice: a Christian school might report enrollment figures, a medical ministry might tabulate the number of patients served, and a…

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The Humble Leader's Legacy by Jonathan Pitts

By Jonathan Pitts Everything I’ve learned about leadership I’ve learned from people. Don’t get me wrong. I love reading books, listening to podcasts and going to seminars, but God has hard-wired me to respond to people. I guess it began with my father. Years before I was born, my father latched onto the good news…

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