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Realignment in Leadership By Larry Gadbaugh

Realignment in Leadership is Essential Realignment is an essential discipline for leaders. Especially coming through this season of moral, cultural, economic, political, and ideological upheaval. It’s Necessary Realignment is a necessary part of vehicle maintenance. Especially when we’re constantly running into potholes and hitting road debris. We recently took our car in for an alignment.…

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The Challenge We Share By R. Scott Rodin

The Common Challenges of Every Leader It may seem presumptuous to propose that there is one challenge to leadership that is so universally experienced that it is consistently at the top of the list of reasons leaders struggle and fail. But a recent experience has moved me deeply and convinced me that there may be…

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Physical and Spiritual Fitness By Dr. Bob Snyder

Physical and Spiritual Fitness Strengthens You I enjoy the disciplines of fitness and physical exercise because it fits my “to-do list” mentality. Yet, when I apply this same mentality to my spiritual life I often fall short. For instance, reading through my Bible in a year does not necessarily produce growth. Yielding to the work…

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The Truth Inside the Johari Window By Dr. Mark L. Vincent

Can your successor design a Johari window? Family and colleagues know me to be a Johari window guy. When groups are stuck, quite often there are a couple of dynamics at cross-purposes. The Johari window is an easy tool to map out those dynamics and transform the conversation with deeper insight and a breakthrough. The…

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To Conceal or Disclose By Alec Hill

Conceal or Disclose: When Keeping a Secret Can Be Good or Bad It takes wisdom to discern the right time to conceal or disclose sensitive information. When I became InterVarsity’s president, my intent was to be fully transparent. No secrets. But overtime, I began to rethink my approach. I came to see that some secrets…

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Holy Week Perspective of Leadership By R. Scott Rodin

Three Moments for a Holy Week Reflection Amid this Holy Week, I invite you to listen to the words of Jesus in his High Priestly Prayer recorded in John 17. Before his final days leading to Calvary, Jesus prays to His Father on our behalf. Here are three reflections for us as leaders as we meditate on our Savior’s…

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Waiting Produces Leadership Growth By Marybeth Leavell

Learn How Waiting Produces Leadership Growth in You The concept of stewardship is rooted in various psychological and sociological theories. Within the Christian stewardship research stream, the steward leader may act as a representative of the owners, directors, or stakeholders, but ultimately serves God, the owner of all. The leader’s internal motivation to be a…

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Shifting the Weight of Leadership By Larry Gadbaugh

Are you ready to shift the weight of Leadership? We have all felt the added weight of leadership in this extraordinary season.   More than ever the people we serve are in greater need of wise, caring, and courageous direction and support. We have been called as leaders to advance our God-given mission to represent…

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Will They Follow You? By Wayne Hastings

The More I Lose Myself, The More They Follow You have a team of people, and you want them to pick up on the vision and follow you to implement God’s calling for us. As passionate, goal-oriented leaders, we all have a vision for our organization, department, and ourselves. But will others follow? Moses was…

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Recapturing Trust in Uncertain Times By Wayne Hastings

Uncertain Times Call for Greater Trust Let’s face it; we live in uncertain times. We often don’t know what will happen next. As good as we create plans and strategies, pandemics, new government mandates, and cultural changes (desire to work from home instead of an office; deciding to quit working) can blow them up in…

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