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Leading in Crisis By Ed McDowell

Leading in a Challenging Time of Crisis We are in a very challenging time of crisis.  Life as we knew it, has changed dramatically and abruptly thanks to a new threat, COVID-19.  The changes are substantial and rapid, with each day bringing about another set of variables and new information requiring rapid responses from leaders…

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Wisdom Requires a Teachable Spirit By R. Scott Rodin

Why does wisdom require a teachable spirit?  Solomon has a command for us to get wisdom. He declares it in no uncertain terms. In Proverbs 4:5-9 he declares: Get wisdom, get understanding; do not forget my words or turn away from them. Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will…

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The Remedy for Unreachable Goals By Lee Ellis

The Remedy for Unreachable Goals: 4 Ways to Lead with Honor More unrealistic goals handed down from leadership where I didn’t have any input. So, here we go again. Accept it and figure out how to make it happen. Now I’m trapped in a corner, so I’ll have to “lie, cheat, and steal” (as the…

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Renew Your Accountability By Lee Ellis

Will you renew the value of accountability in your leadership? Perhaps now is an appropriate time for you to renew the leadership value of accountability. Professional accountability is a good thing. Without it, excellence is merely a pipe dream and even average performance isn’t a realistic expectation. My Experience As a former POW in the…

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I Am Still Becoming By Alex McElroy

Becoming is a process. It is not always clear what something is becoming until it has already become. Recently, my daughter has been learning about life cycles in school. She was enthralled each day to report back the progress – the egg became larvae (caterpillar), then it entered the pupa stage (chrysalis), and finally the…

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5 Tips for Bringing Your Strategic Plan to Life by Tom Okarma

Does your strategic plan give life to your mission? Every nonprofit agency has a strategic plan, somewhere. Maybe in a file cabinet, on a credenza, on its website, but they have one. It’s there, you just have to search it out. The problem is, you’d never know it by the way so many just keep…

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The Servant Leadership Style By Prem Kumar Devasahayam Lee

Steward The Servant Leadership Style I have always struggled with the dominant leadership style, that seems to automatically be practiced by everyone. I am the leader or the head, and it is my vision, and I get things done. Where is the Servant Leadership style that Jesus taught? The Vision as a driving force for…

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The Unplanned Life By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

Stewarding an Unplanned Life 2019 is proving to be a year of the unexpected and unplanned for me as well as for many friends I know. Quite frankly, it’s been hard, exhausting, and confounding. Perhaps you are in the same boat. The truth is when I pause and reflect on the past, every season of…

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Your Response to Crisis By R. Scott Rodin

The Strange (and Christ-like) Response to Crisis Think back to the last time you faced a significant, critical need or crisis with woefully inadequate resources to meet it when you had to accomplish something great and your assets to achieve it was meager. Was it last year, last month, last week, this morning? Every leader…

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Solomon and Leadership By Paul Swamidass

Lead with Solomon-like Wisdom Wise decisions by leaders could be a blessing as evidenced by the decisions of King Solomon. One of  his famous decisions as well as the process he used to arrive at that decision are offered in the Bible as an example of Solomon’s wisdom. That example has stood the test of…

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