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Ambition – A Dirty Word? By Alec Hill

The Truth About Ambition A confession: I was born ambitious. From my earliest memories, I always wanted to be more, to do more, and to win. This trait showed up in sports, pursuit of grades, running for class offices, and even where I ranked as a trumpet player. My drive had both positive and negative…

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Vicarious Suffering By Alec Hill

Lessons in Vicarious Suffering ”I rejoice in what I am suffering for you, and I fill up in my flesh what is still lacking in regard to Christ’s afflictions, for the sake of his body, which is the church.” Writing from prison, the apostle Paul inked this statement and it has puzzled theologians for centuries.…

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Lessons Learned By Alex McElroy

Lessons Learned: Purposeful Evaluation Oh the lessons I learned when my mom used to say, “a hard head makes a soft bottom.” For those unfamiliar with this idiom, it simply means that you can learn your lesson the easy way or the hard way. Some of us only learn the lesson once we’ve been knocked…

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Life is Full of Lessons By Suzy West

Life is full of lessons. Handle them with care. Really! I love a new project – especially one that will utilize my gifts but also challenges me in the process. God knows this. He created me the way I am. But I’m also a sinful creature that can be too self-assured at times. “Tough project,…

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Who You Are In Christ By Nancy Reece

By Nancy Reece The most challenging situations often lead you to learning more about who you are in Christ. That was true for me. “YOU’RE FIRED!”  Thanks to Donald Trump, these words have become a part of the American lexicon. Unfortunately, one Monday morning, I, too, heard those words drifting across the table — directed…

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