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Trend Watch 2017 By Dave Raley

Trend Watch 2017: Three Trends Worthy of Your Attention By Dave Raley ~ It’s common to kick off a new year by looking forward to the trends that are emerging —trends we expect to become increasingly important as the year goes on. So I polled our team for what those trends are that we are…

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Five Ways to Tell Better Stories By Maurilio Amorim

There are five ways to tell better stories. By Maurilio Amorim ~ One of the most effective ways to get noticed, be heard and rise above the noise is to tell great stories. Stories are a powerful tool in connecting to your audience and potential supporters; even Jesus understood the power of story as He…

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What A Ministry Must Know About Brand Management

By Shannon Litton Mission-minded ministry leaders often overlook the important job of building a sustainable and effective brand. Ministries must not underestimate the important role brand management plays in engaging and sustaining relationships with those who make their work possible. Your audience today requires authenticity. The shiny, perfectly packaged messages of yesterday are no longer…

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The Power of Photos By Larry Johnston

I’ve got a confession to make. I love words. And language fascinates me. That won’t come as any surprise to those who know me. It was no doubt one of the reasons I was a foreign language major as an undergrad. But as someone who has been involved in fundraising for 40 years, I know…

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8 Tips to Help You Unleash the Power of Video By Mike and Kristin Suraw

What’s your video strategy? Video is everywhere. According to YouTube’s statistics, over 1 billion unique users visit YouTube monthly, and over 6 billion hours of video are watched on their site every month. And by the way, that is up 50 percent from last year. Last night, I visited Kickstarter’s site. On it, people get…

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Is Facebook Holding Your Fans for Ransom? By Georgia Joseph

By Georgia Joseph Facebook marketing is over — welcome to the new era of Facebook advertising. A recent article on AdAge Digital  begins, “Facebook is being more blunt about the fact that marketers are going to have to pay for reach.” So, if you’ve noticed your Facebook referral traffic dropping lately, you’re not the only one and…

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Can Better Branding Cause Greater Ministry Impact? By Joan Begitschke

What’s Your Brand Represent? Every organization has a brand, whether it is intentionally managed or not. Your brand represents who you are, what you do, and why your ministry matters to the audiences you care about. Proper attention to your brand lifts all boats. But if left unattended, you have a gaping hole of daily…

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