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Should Your Board Be Fired?

Dr. Larry Johnston At the recent CLA Dallas 2014 Conference, I conducted a seminar with the intentionally provocative title, “Remind me… Why do we have a board?”  In the seminar, I asked all the participants to quietly reflect on the following question before they answered:             “If you weren’t legally required to have a board, would…

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The Power of Mirrors

By Larry Johnston He doesn’t get much press these days.  Especially in nonprofit circles.  Perhaps he should. His name is Charles Horton Cooley, and in 1902 he expounded what he called the “looking-glass self.”  A social psychological concept of self, it says, in essence, “I am not who I think I am, nor am I who…

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The Power of Photos By Larry Johnston

I’ve got a confession to make. I love words. And language fascinates me. That won’t come as any surprise to those who know me. It was no doubt one of the reasons I was a foreign language major as an undergrad. But as someone who has been involved in fundraising for 40 years, I know…

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What’s Driving Your Donors? By Larry Johnston

 In seminars I do at conferences, I’ll frequently ask, “What is the primary purpose of development?” Answers vary, but they cluster in several areas, like raising funds, building relationships, advancing the organization’s mission, and teaching stewardship. There’s truth in all these, but I’m doubtful about “teaching” stewardship. That’s a role of some excellent ministries, and…

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