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Stewarding Heaven By Jon Lewis

A Heavenly Wake-Up Call A little over a week ago, my world was rocked by the tough, unexpected news that my younger brother had been diagnosed with an inoperable malignant brain tumor. Even now, we are still awaiting biopsy results that will inform us about possible medical treatments that might extend his time with us.…

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Stewarding Our Pealing Appeal By Jon Lewis

The Message Amind Divergent Messages Recently, I watched two movies. The first was I Heard the Bells, the story of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and what led him to write that famous poem after the tragic death of his wife and, subsequently, his son’s Civil War injury. The second movie was The Polar Express, a fanciful,…

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Fight the Fretting Fad By Jon Lewis

The Truth About Fretting Few things undermine a leader’s effectiveness more than FRETTING! Yet the state of being bothered, worried, or anxious seems to increase as we are bombarded increasingly with news and personal situations that directly impact our moral sensibilities. Not only has there been an escalation of incredibly troubling world events, but it…

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Culture Care: Possible or Impossible? By Jon Lewis

A Steward Leader’s Call for Culture Care The moment came toward the end of my seminar with fifty-five African men and women involved in ministry in Kinshasa, DRC. The subject was Creation Care, and I was delighted to see how the topic was inspiring new thoughts and convictions on the part of my participants. It…

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Directed Steps By Jon Lewis

Directed Steps and Unexpected Paths Two hours into our transatlantic flight, I could tell something was wrong. Having made the long, ten-hour journey from Frankfurt, Germany to Denver, Colorado many times in the past, and having been a former mission pilot myself, I knew that the shortest, great route course was one that should take us straight…

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Stewards of Our Tables By Jon Lewis

Our Tables as A God-Given Resource When it comes to leadership skills and the discipline of applying wise stewarding principles to our lives, I doubt that many of us consider the importance of time spent at our dinner tables. I want to propose that as common and mundane as meals shared with family and friends…

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Faith Fundamentals By Jon Lewis

Stewarding Faith Fundamentals Faith fundamentals are worthy of our attention. Recently I came across the latest biannual survey results from Ligonier Ministries and Lifeway Research that measures the theological temperature of the evangelical church in the United States. Although the statistics on attitude shifts within the general U.S. adult population were predictable, the data corresponding…

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Stewarding the Mystery of God By Jon Lewis

It is a great gift to be a steward of the Mystery of God. I love a good mystery! Few things are more entertaining to me than reading an old Sherlock Holmes story or watching a rerun of the Agatha Christie Poirot mini-series. That’s why I’ve been intrigued by what the Bible calls, the “mysteries…

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How To Steward 70 and Beyond By Jon Lewis

Caring for Your Life After 70 Last year I turned 70. It wasn’t as traumatic an event as I thought it might be—at first. But then I started getting questions like, “How are you enjoying life now that you are retired?” or “What are you doing now with all your free time?”  Honestly, I came…

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The Ten Commandments for Leadership By Jon Lewis

The Ten Commandments of Effective Ministry Leadership While attending a missions conference recently, the pastor of a church that has supported us for the past four decades shared an outstanding talk on principles of effective leadership. I can’t think of any better list of ways to assure a sustained healthy leadership role than by faithfully…

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