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Shaping a Nation By Dr. Roy Peterson

Shaping a nation by reading, living and sharing the Bible. By Dr. Roy Peterson ~ Much has been said about the Bible’s influence on the nation’s founders, but let’s pick up the story a generation later. In 1816, the year of American Bible Society’s founding, what formative role did Scripture play as the United States…

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Principled Pluralism: An interview with Dr. D. Michael Lindsay

Principled Pluralism: Dr. D. Michael Lindsay shares his perspective on grace, truth and freedom. Christian Leadership Alliance (CLA) President and CEO, Tami Heim, recently interviewed Dr. D. Michael Lindsay, president of Gordon College. Located near Boston,  Gordon offers a distinctive blend: an outstanding, nationally ranked liberal arts college with an intentionally Christ-centered community. Religious liberty…

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Mentoring Transforms Cultures By Dr. Liz Selzer

Yes, mentoring transforms cultures! By Dr. Liz Selzer You have an organizational culture. It began the day your organization did. Whether you have carefully cultivated it or you have passively allowed it to develop, you have an existing culture. You and the people in your organization all bring perceptions, attitudes, values, learned behaviors, dreams and…

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Religious Freedom: An Interview with Dr. Russell Moore

Religious Freedom, Evangelicals and Culture ~ An interview with Dr. Russell Moore Dr. Russell Moore serves as the eighth president of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) of the Southern Baptist Convention, the moral and public policy agency of the nation’s largest Protestant denomination. The Wall Street Journal has called Moore “vigorous, cheerful, and…

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Blessed Are the Peacemakers By David Cook

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” ~ Matthew 5:9 By David Cook ~ Jesus highlights this righteous call in his Sermon on the Mount in this scripture. The implication of this verse is powerful; by living in peace when the world around us is full of discord, we have…

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By Their Fruits By W. Scott Brown

By W. Scott Brown ~  Choosing Leaders by Their Fruits Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount has always captivated me. It is completely counter-cultural. In Matthew chapters 5 through 7, we see some of the most compelling, challenging and inspiring guidance for how Christ wants us to live and lead. I am always challenged by Jesus’…

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Leading Change By Jeanne Nigro

By Jeanne Nigro ~ Leading change well depends on the heart of the leader. As leaders, we have all seen organizational change efforts come and go — kicked off with great enthusiasm, only to see the excitement wane and the initiative replaced by another. From my experience as a change consultant, I believe this happens…

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Spiritual Transformation By Jeff Jones

By Jeff Jones ~ The role of the ministry workplace includes the spiritual transformation of those who serve the ministry. Maybe you have heard a colleague say something like:  “This isn’t the place for my spiritual growth; that’s for my church life.” While I understand this argument, I believe it is shortsighted. The ministry workplace…

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On Mission: An Interview with Samuel Chiang

An Interview with Samuel Chiang Reverend Samuel Chiang, president and chief executive officer of  The Seed Company, is on mission. In this interview with Christian Leadership Alliance president and chief executive officer, Tam Heim, Reverend Chaing shares his perspective on the opportunity we have before us to bring God’s Word to the world. This is…

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Are You An Authentic Replica? By Billy Burnett

By Billy Burnett ~ If your life could be an authentic replica of someone great, who would it be? Around 30 years ago there was a television commercial in which a popular singer was used to produce a certain pitch that would shatter a fine glass. then a voice-over would ask: “Is it live, or…

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