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How a CFO Can Propel a Capital Campaign By Brent Hafele

8 Actions a CFO Can Take to Propel a Capital Campaign The majority of nonprofit executives and Christian Leadership Alliance members will tell you that “building future financial sustainability” is one of their organization’s top strategic priorities. One of the best ways to do that is through better fundraising. The CFO Recently a nonprofit CFO…

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Decision Making by Dr. Thomas Yeakley

Decision Making According to God’s Will Our problem is doing God’s will, not knowing God’s will!  Because God is God, He will have no trouble in communicating to us what He wants us to do.  We must be willing to do whatever He desires for us, before He will let us know His plan for…

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The Stuff and Soul Connection By Wes Willmer and Micah Hogan

There’s a Critical Connection Between Stuff and Soul Did you ever think there was a connection between the stuff in your life and your eternal soul? Have you ever wondered why the Bible has more verses on possessions than on any other topic? Have you ever wondered what it means to be faithful and obey…

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Christian Principles in Business By Matt Fore

How Secular Business Earns Massive Profits Using Christian Principles For many years, secular business has adopted principles laid out in the word of God. Treating others as instructed by the scriptures, as it turns out, is not only the right thing to do, it’s also profitable. “Can I get a refund,” she sweetly asked the…

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