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The Generosity Boom

By Kn Moy When it comes to giving generously, not a lot has changed in the past century. For example, according to John and Sylvia Ronsvalle in The State of Church Giving through 2011 (23rd edition, 2013) in 1921, for every $100 earned, the typical Christian in the U.S. gave away $2.90. In 2011, for every $100…

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CEOs and Fundraising

By R. Mark Dillon, Ph.D. Yes, it is your job! It was my initial interview with the relatively new CEO of a highly respected nonprofit organization. The discussion was going well. Then he asked the question: “What’s your perspective on the president’s role in fundraising?” I thought about the “politic” answer, but, throwing caution to the…

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How Do You Define Success?

by Gary G. Hoag, Ph.D. How do you define success in your church or ministry setting? In The Choice: The Christ-Centered Pursuit of Kingdom Outcomes, R. Scott Rodin, Wesley K. Willmer, and I suggest that most people define success in one of two ways, and this decision charts a predictable course that sends us down…

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Is It Good to Be Radical?

  By Rebecca Hays As believers in Christ, if we look at the cross when it comes to generosity, I believe we can never be too radical. Consider the following definitions of radical – aggressively intentional; relating to or affecting the fundamental nature of someone or something; very new or different from what is traditional or…

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Development Leadership

By Dr. John R. Frank, CFRE There are many aspects to leading and managing a development effort within a ministry. The management aspects are often written about. Managing the staff, the programs, strategies, and writing reports are just a few of the management tasks needed to make sure a development effort is successful. But what…

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Ministries Don’t Need Money! By Dr. Gary G. Hoag

Now that I have your attention allow me to explain my statement. The New Testament presents at least three things ministries (groups of Christ-followers working together on mission) need, and money is not one of them. 1.     Ministries need leaders who are free of the love of money and full of the love of God…

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5 Ways to Grow Godly Givers & Giving By Brian Kluth

For a car to run well, all the pistons must be firing properly. For a church or ministry’s finances to run well, all the “generosity” pistons must be firing as the church moves forward down the road.  To develop a generosity culture, it is important to understand these five spiritual and practical pistons needed to…

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Competition and Kingdom Work By Steve Cummings

There’s No Competition in God’s Kingdom Work I love radical ideas and I love living a radical life for Jesus. I live with strong convictions and a passion for seeking after God’s heart.  Even as a MGO, I am called to live radically in my kingdom position of raising resources for God’s work.  Can I…

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Taking Care of Your Donors By Rick Dunham

According to a Nielsen, 92 percent of people trust recommendations from family and friends above any form of advertising. Yet when most organizations think of how to grow their support or advance their cause, the first thing they run to is marketing or some sort of public relations effort. Make no mistake, those efforts are…

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Raising Up Stewards By Dr. Gary G. Hoag

Most people think that the job of development professionals is to “raise money” for the ministries they serve. Others go a step further and express that they “build relationships with people” who already support or may be interested in supporting God’s work there. Both of these comments are byproducts or results that may flow from…

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