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Communicating Your Why By Rob Flint Jr.

Move from knowing your why to communicating it! I am still blown away by the story of the MP3 player and I’m not talking about the iPod. You have probably heard the story by now – a company out of Singapore called Custom Technologies created the technology for the MP3 and eventually released the device…

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Facebook and Fundraising By Amy Sewell

The value of Facebook for Fundraising Recently, I was talking with the director of development for one of the organizations we serve, and he expressed that he was feeling fed up with social networks making changes that hamper organizations. Why should an organization continue to put resources into tools that could easily change the rules…

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A Ministry-focused Model By Wesley K. Willmer

What is a Ministry-focused Model for Raising Resources? In Growing Givers’ Hearts: Treating Fundraising as Ministry  (Jossey-Bass), authors Tom Jeavons and Rebekah Basinger compare and contrast how a faith-based, ministry-focused model of raising resources is very different from a secular approach focused strictly on the bottom line. They concluded that it all boils down to…

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Live Out Generosity By Cindy Finley

  The Seven “Cs: to Help You Live Out Generosity The season of generosity is upon us! And many of you know the statistics: Nearly one-third of all giving occurs in December. 28% of nonprofits raise between 26 and 50% of their annual funds between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day. 12% of all giving happens…

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Development and Finance Teamwork By Winters Richwine

Development and Finance Teams Working Together Planned gifts like charitable trusts, charitable gift annuities, donor advised funds, etc. can be key sources of funding for Christian nonprofit organizations.  Because these types of gifts include ongoing interaction with donors, they can also be relationship builders for future gifts.  However, planned gifts are often complex and involve…

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Rich and Poor By Cameron Doolittle

How do we make sure that we do not honor the rich over the poor? Two Meetings, Two Perspectives In one week in Jakarta, I had two meetings: one with an Indonesian ministry leader, and one with an American lawyer. One kept asking for a grant and wouldn’t take no for an answer. The other…

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Christian Leadership Alliance Member Spotlight: Westfall Gold

Christian Leadership Alliance Founder’s Council Member: Westfall Gold Westfall Gold is the nation’s leading innovator and implementer of major donor events with a proven history of more than 360 events that have generated $750 million. These event weekends bond your major donors to your mission by condensing a year’s worth of cultivation into one extraordinary,…

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The Cycle of Contagious Generosity By Patrick Johnson

Applying the Cycle of Contagious Generosity Budget committees, fundraising goals, and donor campaigns are probably not the top three reasons you got into ministry. But they’re real, right? Because money issues often drive ministry decisions, we try to make sense of them with a linear paradigm of “x + y = z”. This annual giving…

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Philanthropy by the Generation by Kent Vanderwood

What’s different between the generations when it comes to Philanthropy? When it comes to philanthropy, here are some important questions to consider: Do different generations think differently when it comes to giving? Does the same thing that motivates a boomer, motivate a millennial? How do we adjust our approach? I attended an Association of Fundraising…

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Prayers for Fundraising By Ron Frey

Learn to Pray Great Fundraising Prayers What is the role of prayer in fundraising? Over the course of my career, I’ve danced around the issue. While I respect ministries that employ the philosophy of “all prayer and no ask,” I’ve always believed that asking givers to respond to ministry opportunities and meet a need is…

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