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Engage Your Major Donors By Andrew Olsen

13 Ways to Engage Your Major Donors! By Andrew Olsen, CFRE Now is the time to engage with your major donors in the most meaningful ways possible. To help you get started, here are 13 ways to engage and deepen your relationships with them for future fundraising success. (1) Invite donors to participate in your…

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Faithfulness by Mark L. Vincent

Faithfulness is one of the foundations for an effective resource raising program. By Mark L. Vincent Faithfulness is foundational. I’ve often summarized the faithful life of the steward as Generous God, Generous Life. On more than one occasion, when speaking on the subject, I’ve created a picture of how this is lived by kneeling with…

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The Way of the Major Donor By Bill High

David Green—Giving It All Away—The Way of the Major Donor By Bill High – What’s in the mind of the major donor? And specifically, what’s in the mind of David Green, Founder and CEO of Hobby Lobby? For many years now, I’ve spoken at CLA conferences. Typically, I’m asked to speak on the subject of…

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Non-Traditional Funding By Mark L. Vincent

What is the challenge for the steward leader and non traditional funding? By Mark L Vincent ~ There is a challenge that comes with non-traditional funding. I am not a CFO, nor an accountant. I am a strategist. My life is spent developing organizations and the leaders who serve them. So, any thoughts about the…

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Leveraging Natural Assets By David Raley

One Highly Effective Habit of a Chief Development Officer  – Leveraging Natural Assets By Dave Raley ~ The best development leaders in the world recognize that every organization has what I call “natural assets.” Natural assets are things that are unique to that organization, and with a bit of creative thinking, they can be leveraged…

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God's View of a Successful Leader By R. Scott Rodin

What God View of a Successful Leader? By R. Scott Rodin ~ What does it mean to be a successful leader? How do you know you are succeeding? Based on what? And in whose opinion? All of us, in our own ways, need to answer these questions for ourselves. Yet I am concerned that our…

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Stewards of Donor Stories By Sheila Dolinger

You are stewards of donor stories so put the power of personal testimony to work for your ministry. By Sheila Dolinger ~ Once upon a time, there was a ministry with glossy brochures, frequent social media posts, and a colorful website with carefully researched facts and financials. Yet alas, the ministry did not connect with…

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Perspective By Rick Dunham

Perspective is the one thing you need for 2017! By Rick Dunham ~ Because I fly a lot, I often think about how different my perspective is from 40,000 feet. From that altitude you see things that you just can’t see anywhere else. The things that seem so big on the ground take on a…

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Tired of Vision Casting? By Jeff Anderson

Are you tired of casting vision to raise money for your ministry? By Jeff Anderson ~ Vision casting, you know what I’m talking about. It happens whenever you show (and tell) how a dollar can advance a mission, build a building, fund a budget. And the pressure never seems to never end, does it? You…

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Giving Trends: An Interview with David Wills

Giving Trends: an Interview with David Wills, President of National Christian Foundation When it comes to giving, there are always two sides to the equation: how organizations are engaging givers, and how people are actually giving. As president of National Christian Foundation (NCF), David Wills has the advantage of seeing both from the ground level.…

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