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God’s Call to Rest By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

God’s Call to Steward Leaders – Rest As leaders we easily can spend our days focused on growth, forward movement, flourishing – all good things, but for today I invite you to contemplate how God calls you to steward your life and work when you rest in His redemption. “It feels like taking a deep…

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Life on Loan By Dr. Scott Rodin

Steward Leaders Know Life is on Loan As steward leaders, we understand that all of life is on loan, and we respond by living lightly in this world as caretakers of that which is not ours. This results in a life of real freedom to which we respond with joyful obedience. These are the marks…

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Heart Health By Mark L. Vincent

Steward Leader Heart Health I am a big fan of the Schumpeter column in The Economist. Several years back, the 2 August 2014 column, Decluttering the Company hit a nerve for me….hard. Two brief quotes from the article made the point, quoting Peter Drucker, “Much of what we call management consists of making it difficult…

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Heart and Mind By Zenet Maranara

The Heart and Mind of the Steward Leader The primary consideration in discussing the heart and mind of the steward leader focuses on the person of the steward leader. It starts with the “being” of the person. Scott Rodin refers to it as the “who question” and asks “who am I and whose am I?”…

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One Thing We Own By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

The One Thing We Own – Our Mistakes As steward leaders, there is ONE thing we must OWN – our mistakes. UGH! Y’all, I blew it. Here we are. The team is gathered for our monthly meeting. The room is abuzz. The conversation is rich. The meeting’s goal is to provide an opportunity to foster…

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Balanced and Certain By R. Scott Rodin

Are people balanced and certain because of your leadership? In this blog I want to focus on how we, as steward leaders, manage our people to be balanced in their self-image and certain in their identity. One aspect of being a faithful steward is the freedom we have in our self-understanding.  As stewards of our…

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Leadership Limits By Mark L. Vincent

THE LIMITS OF ORGANIZATIONAL LEADERSHIP Have you ever considered what the limits of your organizational leadership? I have. When my son got married it meant looking for a dress for his mother. In an act of impulsive love, I cancelled late afternoon plans and took my beautiful bride shopping. A mistake? I am good at…

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The Double Bottom Line By Mark L. Vincent

There is more to the story when you focus on your double bottom line. So many nonprofits forget to use the presentation of their financials as a means to inspire and highlight the double bottom line. They opt, instead, to merely report. This is especially true of association systems—organizations that have chapters, affiliates, congregations, franchises,…

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The Greatest Challenge By R. Scott Rodin

A Leader’s Greatest Challenge It may seem presumptuous to propose that there is one challenge to leadership that is so universally experienced that it is consistently at the top of the list of reasons leaders struggle and fail. But a recent experience has moved me deeply and convinced me that there may be just such…

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At the Core By Howard Rich

Steward leader development is at the core of it all. At the core of a steward leader is the knowledge that everything in his care is owned by God, and merely on loan for a short time. This recognition of true ownership compels the steward to move himself out of the way and joyfully develop…

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