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What is a Steward Leader? By Howard Rich

What defines a steward leader? I am in a conversation about leadership and begin referring to steward leaders, and the person I am speaking with gets a quizzical look on their face. The scene replays countless times. At a convenient time in the conversation, this person will graciously correct me and point out I am really…

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A Steward of Trust By Mark L. Vincent

How does a steward leader foster trust? Because I am often engaged in preparing people for their life as an executive, I get to correspond and converse with their reflections and trust is a common theme.  Here is one response to someone from one of my classes for Christian Leadership Alliance a few years ago,…

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Stewarding the Team By Howard Rich

Stewarding a Team Towards God-given Success Stewarding a team well requires great focus. Leaders often act like they have it all together, but as a leader, I have not been feeling particularly successful lately. I have been going through a period of operating in crisis mode and managing schedules rather than leading people. We all…

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Measure Success By Dr. R. Scott Rodin

How you measure success in this life will dictate the way you live this life and the legacy you will leave. By Dr. R. Scott Rodin ~ “How do you measure success?’ In my work as a consultant for not-for-profit organizations, I am ask this questions at the start of every consultation.  I have found…

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The Steward's Gift By Mark L. Vincent

It is the steward’s gift to give to others after us. By Mark L. Vincent ~ To be a steward is to know in our bones that what we are responsible for was given to us with intent, and that this gift will be given to others after us. We live in a world where…

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Stewards of God's Children By Howard Rich

 Stewards of God’s Children By Howard Rich ~ My daughter’s wedding was this weekend, and it provided me with an incredible lesson on stewardship and God’s children. She is twenty-two years old, and I have been praying for her husband since before she was a teenager. When I began praying for the young man she…

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Non-Profit Boards By R. Scott Rodin

Five Questions Every Christian Non-Profit Board Must Answer By R. Scott Rodin ~ A great deal of time and resources are being invested these days helping non-profit boards be more effective. There are a growing number of books, seminars, webinars, training programs, online resources and assessment tools available to those seeking to better serve the…

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Decision Making as a Steward By Howard Rich

Define your leadership philosophy and it will guide your decision making as a steward.  By Howard Rich ~ While I attempt to lead as a steward within the organization God has placed me, I sometimes find it difficult to practice stewardship in my actions. To combat this, I began looking for ways to intentionally interact…

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Developing an Organization of Stewards By Kent Wilson

Learn a Practical Approach to Developing an Organization of Stewards By Kent R. Wilson, PhD – Stewardship is not just for leaders or organizational executives. Our basic definition of stewardship, the management of resources belonging to another in order to achieve the owner’s objectives, encompasses almost anyone who has been given resources by another to…

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Trust is Essential By Howard Rich

Trust is Essential to the Steward By Howard Rich – Trust is a scary thing, requiring me to become vulnerable and open to criticism, which may result in hurt feelings, pain, and frustration. However, I know my life is probably less vibrant and fulfilling because I failed to trust people God put in my path…

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