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Avoiding College Debt By Gary Hoag

Stewardship and Avoiding College Debt In Managing God’s Money, Randy Alcorn reports startling statistics (165). “For many people, debt has become not the exception but the rule. The average American family devotes ¼ of its spendable income to outstanding debts. Since 1945, consumer debt in the United States has multiplied 31 times. The IRS calculates…

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Shalom Leadership By Zenet Maramara

A Steward Leader Pursues Shalom Leadership The steward leader approach is closest to shalom leadership. Bakke Graduate University describes shalom leadership where the leader pursues reconciling relationships between people, people and God, people and their environment, and people and themselves. The leader works toward the well-being, abundance, and wholeness of the community as well as…

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Life on Loan By Dr. Scott Rodin

Steward Leaders Know Life is on Loan As steward leaders, we understand that all of life is on loan, and we respond by living lightly in this world as caretakers of that which is not ours. This results in a life of real freedom to which we respond with joyful obedience. These are the marks…

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Teaching Tips from Dr. Gary Hoag

Called to Teach God has gifted some of us to teach, but that does not make it easy! It gets complicated when we have to address controversial topics, when our audiences have a wide range of knowledge and varied expectations, or when God leads us into new teaching settings that take us far outside our…

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Enough Time By R. Scott Rodin

The Tyranny of Time Remember the last time you faced a day with back-to-back meetings, and then someone cancelled? It was as if you were given a gift of an hour, a precious 60 minute oasis in the middle of the fast moving stream of life. Perhaps you paused to consider the things you could…

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Heart and Mind By Zenet Maranara

The Heart and Mind of the Steward Leader The primary consideration in discussing the heart and mind of the steward leader focuses on the person of the steward leader. It starts with the “being” of the person. Scott Rodin refers to it as the “who question” and asks “who am I and whose am I?”…

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Christian Giving By Dr. Gary Hoag

The Way of Christian Giving Sometimes describing what giving isn’t, is the best way to explain what it is. In my interaction with givers globally, I have found that when they ask me to help them grow in Christian generosity, a list of contrasts of what it isn’t and what it is aids in getting…

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A King’s Coin By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

A king’s coin offers us kingdom perspective. In the ancient world Caesar’s coin promised privilege, access. The image of Caesar was stamped on currency. It was his image, which gave a coin its value and weight. Caesar’s coin was an extension of his power. It fortified his empire. It secured his reach. Under Caesar’s rule,…

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Your Words By Mark L. Vincent

The Stewardship of Your words A sermon I once  heard focused on the five Hebrew words that Jonah preached to Nineveh: Forty-Days-More-Nineveh-Will be Destroyed. It takes more words in English, as Jonah’s Hebrew requires just one word to indicate verb tense. The preacher pointed out that these harsh yet necessary words were not great words…

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Steward Leader Thinking By Mark L. Vincent

The ongoing genesis of steward leadership thinking transforms us. By Mark L. Vincent ~ The 2017 Steward Summit, which focuses on steward leader thinking and principles, is behind us. This annual event was shared with several Christian Leadership Alliance friends and family as participants and presenters. In fact,  several of us serving as regular bloggers…

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