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Steward Your Intellect By Mark L. Vincent

By Mark L. Vincent ~ If you are a steward leader, how do you steward your intellect? Does that go without saying? Perhaps. And yet, acknowledging this is true is not the same as doing the work of expanding one’s base of knowledge, deliberately reducing thinking errors, distinguishing between personal preferences and timeless wisdom, cultivating…

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A Steward Leader's Psalm By R. Scott Rodin

By R. Scott Rodin There are times when a scriptural passage strikes deep in your heart. You know the kind – it sticks in your head long after you’ve read it When you go back to it you meditate on it and roll it over in your mind a thousand times. For the last three…

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God's Objectives by Kent Wilson, PhD

By Kent Wilson PhD ~ How clearly do you understand God’s objectives for your stewardship? The Parable of the Talents in Matt. 25:14-30—and its parallel in Luke 19:11-27—develops one of the richest sources of information about the steward and stewardship in the biblical record. It is from this story that we can discern the historical and…

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God's Provision by Howard Rich

By Howard Rich ~ I have sometimes wondered how the Israelites could experience God’s provision and protection, in a visible way during the Exodus, then immediately turn away to mold an idol and worship it while Moses was on the mountain receiving God’s instructions for their future as His people (Exodus 32). I mean, they…

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Steward Versus An Owner by Mark L. Vincent PhD, CCNL

by Mark L. Vincent PhD, CCNL ~ One of the first distinctions made in considering steward leadership is the difference between being a steward versus an owner. When the difference between them is explained as who “owns” the enterprise, it tempts the leader to mere awareness or mental assent:  “I KNOW the distinction.” Or, “Yes,…

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The Steward Leader's Creed by Kent Wilson, PhD

By Kent Wilson, PhD ~ We’ve talked a lot about the steward leader on the Christian Leadership Alliance, Higher Thinking blog, so I thought I’d attempt to synthesize the basic principles and beliefs of a biblical steward leader in the form of a Steward Leader’s Creed. The Steward Leader’s Creed As a steward leader… I…

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Board and Executive Director Partnership by Kent Wilson

By Kent Wilson In previous blogs we’ve mentioned that the board of a nonprofit organization and the Executive Director/CEO both share steward leadership responsibilities of the organization. The board serves as the “Chief Steward” of the organization, responsible to God and the stakeholders for overall oversight, governance, and accountability for the organization as it works…

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The Daunting Task of Stewarding Words by Janet L. Stump

 By Janet L. Stump ~ Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. Whoever loves his life loses it, and whoever hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.  If anyone…

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Prayer in the Life of a Steward Leader by Howard Rich

By Howard Rich ~ Some of my biggest failures and frustrations in life have had their roots in arrogance.  Through the pain and mess of those failures, I have come to realize I need to stop trying to reinvent the wheel.  When I am approaching a new task – something I haven’t done before –…

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The Scope of a Steward Leader by Sara Nagelvoort Marlin

By Sara Nagelvoort Marlin Last year I joined a Christian ministry for the first time in my career, having spent more than twenty years in corporate marketing environments. Among my early observations was what seemed to be the “de rigueur” concept in Christian ministry:  steward leadership. Everyone was talking about it. Makes sense, I thought,…

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