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3 Profound Thoughts on Ownership and Giving by Mark Leavell

By Mark Leavell One of the common distinctives of Christian Stewardship is the principle that God owns everything. While you would be hard-pressed to find anyone among professing Christian Stewards who would disagree, it has been my observation  that in the real world of day to day living – this principle isn’t quite as clear…

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4 Sound Instructions for a Steward Leader by Gary G. Hoag, Ph.D.

  By Gary G. Hoag, Ph.D. In 1 Timothy 6:3, the “sound words of our Lord Jesus Christ” are set in contrast to false teaching linked to money. In other words, bad teaching related to handling riches was present in the community of faith and Paul wanted Timothy to teach only what was “sound” or…

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Donor Fatigue? by Dr. Zenet Maramara

By Dr. Zenet Maramara That God owns everything and that we are only stewards of all resources is a biblical truth which Christians believe, but not as popularly practiced.  I teach my fundraising-students that these two basic principles of divine ownership and human stewardship should guide their ministry. To believe that God is the owner…

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The Steward Leader: A Transformation of Roles by Howard Rich

By Howard Rich The Parable of the Talents in Matthew 25 teaches the principle of stewardship, and the inescapable fact nothing belongs to a person that has not been entrusted to him by the rightful owner.  God is the originator of everything in existence, He grants access to His resources at His discretion, and He…

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Stewards Hold Power Loosely by Howard Rich

By Howard Rich As much as we want to believe we are irreplaceable, that we are the glue holding our organizations together, the reality is we are replaceable.  The day after we leave our organization, the sun will rise, the earth will continue to spin, and God’s Kingdom will flourish.  Jesus entrusted His Kingdom expansion…

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Representatives of the Owner by Kent R. Wilson, Ph.D.

By Kent R. Wilson, Ph.D. Most definitions of stewardship include in one way or another the concept “to manage resources that belong to another.” But what most definitions miss is a critical aspect of a steward’s role: that stewards manage those resources in order to achieve the goals and objectives of the owner. Stewards are…

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The True Freedom of a Steward Leader by R. Scott Rodin Ph.D.

By R. Scott Rodin Ph.D. A bookmark of mine carries a thought that has stayed with me throughout my years in leadership. It reads: It doesn’t matter if the world knows, or sees or understands, the only applause we are meant to seek is that of nail-scarred hands. Leaders are exposed to opportunities to generate applause. …

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Stewardship is Personal by Howard Rich

By Howard Rich A few weeks ago I attended a small gathering of Christians to learn about and discuss stewardship.  Following the conference my wife and I set out on our long drive back to our home.  We had purchased this house a little over two months ago, but we had not moved in yet. …

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CNLA: Equipping Nonprofit Leaders

Christian Nonprofit Leadership Academy 2015 Christian Leadership Alliance presents the Christian Nonprofit Leadership Academy (CNLA) as one of the many leadership training experiences offered at The Outcomes Conference: CLA Dallas 2015. CNLA is an extensive academic experience for equipping nonprofit leaders. This year,  CLA offers 8 class options that last 12.5-hours each over a 2-day…

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Stewardship of Your Words by Mark L. Vincent

By Mark L. Vincent A sermon I heard recently focused on the five Hebrew words that Jonah preached to Nineveh: Forty-Days-More-Nineveh-Will be Destroyed. It takes more words in English, as Jonah’s Hebrew requires just one word to indicate verb tense. The preacher pointed out that these harsh yet necessary words were not great words to hear,…

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