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Should Christians Save for Retirement?

by Gary G. Hoag, Ph.D. This is one of those “elephant in the room” questions. Before I try to tackle it in a blog post I want to share three statements that reveal the basis for my thinking: I will approach this question from a biblical perspective. Should you grapple with my comments, please search…

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More Blessed: To Give or Receive?

By Lilya Wagner One of the most familiar texts in the Bible — that we remember from our childhood efforts to memorize key texts, and that has also taken on the air of an aphorism — is from Acts 20:35 in which Jesus is quoted as saying, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” That…

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You Cannot Steward Tomorrow

By Dr. R.Scott Rodin Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. ~1 Thessalonians 5:16-19 If you are seeking to lead as a steward leader, then this verse from Thessalonians is a powerful reminder of a key biblical truth – you cannot steward tomorrow.…

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Relationship-Based Management

Management practices on a kingdom path focus on the quality of relationships rather than the quantity of outputs.. In plain terms, the desire of Jesus is that we are known by our love, not our numbers. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. ~John 13:35, NIV This…

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The Call of the Cosmograph

by Larry Johnston  Ph.D Okay, maybe I’m just weird (close associates might say there’s no “maybe” involved!). But the simple truth is, I loathe waste. I’m sorry. I can’t help it. Inefficiency bothers me.  And not being strategic just drives me up the wall. It’s possibly little more than some quirky personality trait, but I suspect…

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Faithfulness-Focused Strategies

Steward leaders who are singularly motivated by obedience adopt faithfulness-focused strategies. Like Jesus, they desire to say what the Father says and do what they Father says to do. Jesus gave them this answer: “Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father…

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How Do You Define Success?

by Gary G. Hoag, Ph.D. How do you define success in your church or ministry setting? In The Choice: The Christ-Centered Pursuit of Kingdom Outcomes, R. Scott Rodin, Wesley K. Willmer, and I suggest that most people define success in one of two ways, and this decision charts a predictable course that sends us down…

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Is It Good to Be Radical?

  By Rebecca Hays As believers in Christ, if we look at the cross when it comes to generosity, I believe we can never be too radical. Consider the following definitions of radical – aggressively intentional; relating to or affecting the fundamental nature of someone or something; very new or different from what is traditional or…

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One Challenging Leadership Question By R. Scott Rodin

Finding Answers to Challenging Leadership Questions Every once in a great while, a question is posed that hits you right between the eyes. Here is one with which I have been struggling ever since I heard it, “do you consider stories in the Bible that tell about how God shapes leaders to be exceptions or…

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A Steward’s Relationship With the Owner By Kent R. Wilson

Most definitions of stewardship include in one way or another the concept “to manage resources that belong to another.” But what most definitions miss is a critical aspect of a steward’s role: that stewards manage those resources in order to achieve the goals and objectives of the owner. Stewards are the representatives of the owner…

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