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The Cycle of Contagious Generosity By Patrick Johnson

Applying the Cycle of Contagious Generosity Budget committees, fundraising goals, and donor campaigns are probably not the top three reasons you got into ministry. But they’re real, right? Because money issues often drive ministry decisions, we try to make sense of them with a linear paradigm of “x + y = z”. This annual giving…

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Work and Earning By Wes Willmer

How do we see work and earning in the bigger picture of our Christian faith? The world’s advice on earning leads you to disaster. It erodes your character and pillages your relationships. You fall into the trap of loving money and using people to accomplish your purposes. There’s a higher road you can take. I…

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High Road Leadership By John C. Maxwell

In life and in leadership, you will find that people treat you badly. That is an unavoidable fact. You have three options when you are treated in this manner. You can take: (1) the low road where you treat people worse than they treat you; (2) the middle road where you treat people the same…

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Soul Care By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

Soul Care and The Steward Leader On any given Monday morning I often find myself sitting at my desk reviewing my calendar, preparing a report for the board, and prioritizing all the tasks for the week. But lately, my attention is shifting. The more I define and explore leadership through the lens of a steward,…

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Influence and Engagement By Lee Ellis

Solutions to Influence and Engagement As a church or nonprofit leader, you’re pressured to find solutions and get results as you head into the last quarter of the year. Regardless of your internal or external goals, the tool that we must use in the process is gaining and using influence with others. This skill seems…

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Prayers for Fundraising By Ron Frey

Learn to Pray Great Fundraising Prayers What is the role of prayer in fundraising? Over the course of my career, I’ve danced around the issue. While I respect ministries that employ the philosophy of “all prayer and no ask,” I’ve always believed that asking givers to respond to ministry opportunities and meet a need is…

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Truth About Inconvenience By Alex McElroy

The truth about encountering inconvenience. Inconvenience is something that parents know well. For example, when my oldest became ill at night I was awakened. I awoke to the horrors of a stomach virus. Vomit. Everywhere. In her bed, in her hair, and in her clothes. (I still have nightmares about the putrid smell). In an…

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3 Ways to Inspire Givers By David Henke

Three Ways to Inspire Faithful Givers Cultivating consistent givers in a world full of deceptions and schemes manipulating people out of their money is challenging. Many ministry leaders struggle with how to talk about giving in a way that is inspiring and excites donors about what God is doing in ministry. Here are three key…

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A Strong Leader? By W. Scott Brown

  What does it mean to be a Strong Leader? Being a “strong leader” is deeply misunderstood in today’s world. We live in a unique historical moment in which autocratic-style leaders have risen to power in many nations. Regardless of their diverse paths to power, these leaders similarly view leadership strength as the unbridled exercise…

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Analytics Rule By Emily Cox

Analytics rule when measuring ministry outcomes. Measuring ministry outcomes helps organizations answer the question, “How are we doing?” This question is critical. But an even more important question is, “How do I make the best thing happen?” While measurement helps you understand how you are doing, it is analytics that guides you along the path…

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