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Fair Pay for the Pastor By Edwards and Lund

What’s a fair salary for a Pastor? Learn how a national survey can help church leaders address critical salary compensation questions. By Caitlin Edwards and Emily Lund ~ In most any kind of job, salaries depend on numerous factors, including location, years of experience, amount of education, and other industry-specific factors. These factors hold true…

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A Culture of Accountability By Mike King

A Culture of Accountability – Being on Mission at Volunteers of America By Mike King ~ In leading an organization that helps the most vulnerable members of our society,  a culture of accountability means much more to me than answering to my board of directors or meeting financial benchmarks. Failing in our mission can literally…

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Last Day to Register and Save!

YES – It’s the last day to register and save! Early registration for The Outcome Conference ends today – January 31, 2017 at midnight.

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Stewards of Donor Stories By Sheila Dolinger

You are stewards of donor stories so put the power of personal testimony to work for your ministry. By Sheila Dolinger ~ Once upon a time, there was a ministry with glossy brochures, frequent social media posts, and a colorful website with carefully researched facts and financials. Yet alas, the ministry did not connect with…

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Perspective By Rick Dunham

Perspective is the one thing you need for 2017! By Rick Dunham ~ Because I fly a lot, I often think about how different my perspective is from 40,000 feet. From that altitude you see things that you just can’t see anywhere else. The things that seem so big on the ground take on a…

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Tired of Vision Casting? By Jeff Anderson

Are you tired of casting vision to raise money for your ministry? By Jeff Anderson ~ Vision casting, you know what I’m talking about. It happens whenever you show (and tell) how a dollar can advance a mission, build a building, fund a budget. And the pressure never seems to never end, does it? You…

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Stewardship and Servanthood By Kent R. Wilson

Stewardship and servanthood seem to go hand in hand: you can’t have one without the other. By Kent R. Wilson, PhD ~ There is great privilege and blessing in being a steward leader of a nonprofit organization. We are entrusted with significant organizational resources to manage and steward, and are allowed to exercise our leadership…

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True Flourishing – An Interview with Andy Crouch

Strong and Weak: Embracing a Life of Love, Risk & True Flourishing – An Interview with Andy Crouch When asked what kind of leader we’d like to be, most would choose “strong” over “weak.” But in his new book Strong and Weak: Embracing a Life of Love, Risk & True Flourishing (IVP Books, 2016), Andy…

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Steward Heroes By Mark L. Vincent

We need new heroes, it is time for steward heroes! By Mark L. Vincent ~ Scott Rodin presaged the recent US election with a reminder of how Steward Leaders orient themselves regardless of frightening prospects or outcomes. In the days since, I’ve had opportunity to sit with some CEOs and Executive Directors, for and non-profits,…

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A Grand Proclamation By Tami Heim

God’s Word is a grand proclamation that His love never quits. By Tami Heim ~ How do we even grasp all that it means to know God and that his love never quits? The definition of never carries with it a divine weightiness – at no time in the past or future: on no occasion;…

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