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Spring 2012


The theme for Summer 2012 is “The Heart of Leadership.”

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Are You Too Busy?

Learn how one executive got her balance back.

As a young mom, I found myself filling my days with a variety of things I was convinced I had to do for God! I even went as far as adopting a "Calvin and Hobbes” cartoon quote that I posted proudly on my fridge: "I was put on this earth to accomplish a certain number of things. Right now, I am so far behind that I will never die.” Not surp...

Book Discussion: Becoming a Steward Leader

Essential Insights from Stewardship Thought Leaders and Practitioners


Fundamentally change the way you think, lead, and live.


In April 2012, Christian Leadership Alliance will release the second book in its Nonprofit Leadership in a For-Profit World series, entitled Becoming a Stewar...

Build a Strategic People Agenda

Be a steward of what is most precious to God.

Not long ago, a gifted and humble brother in Christ, who serves faithfully in a high-level leadership position in a widely-recognized ministry, confessed to one of us at Strengthening Leaders that, "there is nothing about the way the president of our ministry leads us that makes me want to follow Christ.” What an indictment!

As leaders, we...

Examination and Accountability

They key to your leadership legacy.

The commitment to live an examined life should reside at the center of Christian leadership. Scripture is replete with affirmations of this fact. And today’s world is hungry to believe that men and women of faith, called to leadership responsibilities, thoughtfully and intentionally back-stop their leadership journey with in...

Give Priority to Prayer

Lead by following God daily.

Being a leader is hard work. Being a leader who would attempt to lead without intentional, consistent, and persistent acknowledgment of God is dangerous. Sure, we can get by on the false security of our perceived strength and ability, manufactured charisma, or residual wisdom and experience. We probably have all been able to accomplish some good things and gain some satisfactio...

Guard Your Heart

Protect the wellspring of our leadership

"I Have been fired,” my friend said.

"Why?” I asked.

Sam* did not know. The day before, Sam had been offered the "opportunity” to resign with some severance or to be fired with nothing. He was given a little over an hour to decide. He spoke to his wife and since they were convinced that he had done nothing wrong, they...

It's Our Watch

First Person

It's Our Watch!

We're called to develop future leaders.

I was puzzled. I was sitting in a room with a group of seasoned leaders; all of them had agreed that develo...

John Stott

Lifelong pastor, leader, and friend

What made John Stott an outstanding leader? Writing on the subject of Christian leadership in 1984, he focused on one quality: being dissatisfied. Effective leaders are dissatisfied with what is, and strive always for what could be. John Stott remained dissatisfied in this way all his life, as is clear from his final book,

Kill the Conflict Virus

Healing through peacemaking in your ministry.

Disregarding Jesus’ instructions on peacemaking in Matthew 18:15-17 means death to a Christian nonprofit organization. It’s like unleashing the Ebola virus. It’s hard to kill, easy to catch, and it leads to a slow death. Here’s how the infection spreads:

Jesse stomps into your office and unloads, complaining about Bob’s ...

Leading from the Heart

The key to increasing leadership effectiveness.

A few times in your career you see that moment of truth coming — you feel the work of a decade is about to pass in front of your eyes.

That’s the way it was last September, when I introduced the head of our capital campaign advisory firm to our board. What do the Bowery Mission’s 31 top donor families really think of us?
