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Summer 2013


The theme for Summer 2013 is “Equipping Leaders.”

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Performance Management

Valuing outcomes, performance, transparency and accountability

Outcomes matter. In past decades, many organizations were more focused on organizational culture and inputs rather than outcomes. These days, however, more and more organizations are focusing on outcomes, performance, transparency and accountability.

To provide an introductory overview, inputs are resources we add to our organizations. The most common resource inputs are human and financial. Th...

Retain Your Rising Stars

Three keys to creating a sticky organization


I’m often asked by top executives about our leadership succession plans, talent development models, and how we attract and develop new leadership. Together, we strategize on competencies, qualities, and the calling of those whom we identify as emerging leaders.

These steps are important, and I would be the last to say there’s no need for systems to assure both leadership stabil...

The Path to Peace

Saying 'I do" to workplace conflict

Standing together before God and the witness of family and friends, couples intending to marry engage in vows to love, honor, cherish — and communicate effectively through crisis and conflict — until death do they part. After the honeymoon, they head back to their respective places of employment. Once back, engrossed in the day-to-day routine, they begin to recognize that quite a bit of time is spent with ...

A Lifelong Learning Culture

Focus on the Family shares insight on equipping future leaders.

I have had the privilege of serving in Focus on the Family’s Human Resources department for more than 12 years now (and counting!), and during that time our team has made significant strides in the art of recruiting, identifying, and equipping future leaders for the ministry. At a time when many Christian organizations are facing a “leadership gap” as the baby boom generation nears...

Your Next CEO

Managing a ministry's most important leadership transition

Perhaps no event in an organization’s life cycle is filled with a greater sense of both expectation, as well as angst, than the transition of senior leadership. The departure of the chief executive officer presents unique opportunities and challenges: opportunities to evaluate and re-engineer the vision of the institution, and challenges of ensuring continuity and viability of current operation...

Book Discussion: The Decision Maker

Dennis Bakke is a revolutionary innovator, successful entrepreneur, and dedicated Christian leader. Outcomes editor W. Scott Brown interviewed Bakke on his newest book The Decision Maker: Unlock the potential of everyone in your organization one decision at a time (Pear Press, 2013). This book offers a fictional account of what it looks like when one applies the people empowering principles that Bakke outlined in his bestseller Joy at Work: A Revolutionary Approach to...

Bridging Generations: Spanning the workplace generational divide

Recently, I joined several colleagues for lunch at Chipotle. While waiting in line, I noticed we were the oldest people there. After sitting down, I commented about this observation and someone in our group quickly responded, “The 20-somethings are taking over!”

My intention is to respond to several tensions pulling at various generational perspectives, as highlighted by that comment. As a boomer myself, I invite you to wrestle with my opinions as we improve our inte...

Emerging Talent

How the best Christian workplaces engage emerging leaders


For the past 10 years, Al Lopus, as president and cofounder of the Best Christian Workplaces Institute (BCWI), has been conducting the Best Christian Workplaces Survey. This 58-question, broad-based human resources survey compiles data on people practices and the way they’re experienced in Christian workplaces. Lopus and his organization have surveyed over 500 different Christian o...

Equipping Leaders

CLA president and CEO Tami Heim recently interviewed John Hull, president and CEO of EQUIP, on this global initiative to train leaders and promote worldwide collaboration.

EQUIP is a nonprofit organization that develops effective international Christian leaders. Founded by Dr. John C. Maxwell in 1996, today, EQUIP is the world’s largest and most comprehensive grass-roots leadership/personal growth and development organization. Active in more than 160 nations, EQUIP is...

Equipping Leaders

Joni and Friends’ Billy Burnett on creating a lifelong learning culture

CLA President and CEO Tami Heim recently interviewed Billy Burnett, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Joni and Friends.

Burnett has contributed significantly to both the financial success and workplace environment of Joni and Friends. His leadership helped to result in Joni and Friends being ranked as the number one “Best Christian Workplace” in organization...