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Summer 2015


The theme for Summer 2015 is “Succession.”

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Succession in Christian Leadership

The gift of greater things

Succession in Christian leadership is a drama with a cast of three characters — the governing board, the departing leader and the incoming successor. Although each of these characters has a unique role to play in the drama, they share the common responsibility for continuing the mission, developing the leadership and advancing the ministry of the organization they represent. Succession in Christian leadership is the thread that r...

A Winning Transition Plan

After more than 20 years as pastor of Christ Fellowship Church in South Florida, the church he founded and grew to a multisite church of more than 40,000 people meeting on seven
campuses around South Florida and online around the world, Tom Mullins passed the baton of leadership to his son Todd. As Tom was transitioning out of this role, he was also stepping into a new one, as president of EQUIP Leadership, a nonprofit organization specializing in training and mobilizing effective ...

Succession Planning

Ensuring successful ministry leadership transitions

Some, like Frances Kunreuther in Up Next: Generation Change and the Leadership of Nonprofit Organizations (Annie E. Casey Foundation, 2005), began to study the effect of the generational change from the retiring Baby Boomers to Generations X and Y. The social movements of the 1960s and 1970s catapulted Boomers to the leadership of the surging number of nonprofits, as detailed by Tom Adams in Found...

Building Winners

Five steps for targeted staff development

Many years ago, when I heard the term succession management, I immediately thought of the 9-Box Model. This model plots team members in one of nine boxes based on their performance (high/medium/low) and their potential (high/medium/low). The 9-Box Model makes it easy to identify “A-players.” After all, that is where organizations should focus their investments, at least according to what I learned in graduate...

Succession Planning

Your organization’s long-term health depends on it.

One of the most successful examples of leadership transition was the transition of power from Moses to Joshua. Moses recognized Joshua’s inherent leadership qualities early on. He gave him opportunities to develop his skills, personally mentored him, entrusted him with increasingly sensitive tasks and exposed Joshua to his interactions with God on Mt. Sinai. Over a period of 40 years, Joshua earned ...

Christian Influence

Dr. Gregory Alan Thornbury on evangelicals, culture and leadership

CLA President and CEO Tami Heim recently interviewed Gregory Alan Thornbury, Ph.D., president of The King’s College in New York City. He has been called “Jonathan Edwards Meets Rolling Stone” by Russell D. Moore and “America’s First Hipster College President” by The American Spectator.Thornbury previously served as professor of philosophy...

Developing God u00e2u0080u00a8First Leaders

Serving as trustees of the next generation

In Christ-centered ministries and universities, there is an added dimension of the call to serve. This is valued when we recruit and employ that passionate and energized member of our team who not only is professional and knowledgeable, but also called by God to be part of the purpose and mission of the ministry. We forget, however, that those who are called into a ministry are often open to God’s next call. Disce...

Gender-Balanced Leadership

One organization’s journey of change

Two years ago, our organization took a look at our leadership landscape and decided to address our lack of gender balance head on. Having operated as an egalitarian organization for some years, we were nowhere near representing that balance on our leadership teams. Knowing that for many Christians, theology is a significant barrier, our first step was to clarify our position in writing and distribute it widely. This gav...

Humility and Servanthood

The keys to seamless leadership succession

How would you feel as the new president of a Christian organization knowing that all five of the former founders and presidents were still actively involved in the ministry? Does just the mention of this send shivers down your spine as a leader? Well, this is my reality as the new president of the C.S. Lewis Institute, and I couldn’t be happier!

You are now wondering, “Is this guy crazy or just pl...

Kingdom Partnership

How releasing authority strengthens leaders

We don’t need to look hard in Scripture to find examples of strong relationships where responsibility and authority bound two individuals together in fulfilling the purposes of God: Moses and Joshua; David and Solomon; Eli and Samuel; Paul and Timothy. Each of these unique connections required unselfish leaders to move forward in tandem and agreement in order for the greater work to be accomplished.
