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Winter 2013


The theme for Winter 2013 is “New Media Trends.”

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The Mobile Revolution

It's one shift you can't afford to miss!

If you’ve been around CLA circles for long, Bobb Biehl is a name you’ll recognize. It’s no exaggeration to say Bobb’s a genius — a thoughtful leader who has mentored and influenced countless ministry leaders over nearly four decades.

So why talk about Bobb at the beginning of an article on creating a successful mobile digital strategy? Because one of Bobb’s favorite sayings forms the ...

Book Discusion: Ministry in the Digital Age

Dr. David Bourgeois on strategies an best practices in a post-website world

What prompted you to write Ministry in the Digital Age?

I finished my Ph.D. dissertation in 2006, and took time off the following summer to focus on how ministries are using technology. I found that no one was really doing research in this area, so my thinking was to do research on what’s actually working. I spent the next two or three years wor...

The Power of Video

What's your video strategy?

Video is everywhere. According to YouTube’s own statistics, more than 1 billion unique users visit YouTube each month, and over 6 billion hours of video are watched on their site every month. And by the way, that is up 50 percent from last year.

Last night, I visited Kickstarter’s site. On it, people get to read text, look at pictures, and yes, watch videos about projects they might be interested in...

Content is King

Applying the power of content marketing

“Content is King.” That statement is made true through our devotion to activities such as watching television, or reading books or magazines. But today that truism also impacts the world of advertising and marketing.

As the world gets noisier, consumers are not only choosing which shows to watch and which magazines to read; they are also choosing which advertisers to pay attention to, what brands res...

Virtually Everywhere

Deeper engagement in an instant world

Early predictions of virtual reality (VR) promised high-tech suits with headgear designed to digitally simulate the “real world” and let us stroll the streets of Paris from the comfort of our living rooms. Alas, I never got my VR helmet.

Today, virtual reality takes the form of people who are physically present in one location, but mentally (and often emotionally) somewhere else. Instead of being trans...

Content Strategy

Five questions you must ask (and answer)

So do you know how to make content strategy a core business strategy? Does your ministry? To find out, ask these five questions.

1. Do we know whom we’re trying to reach?

Your audience is much more than your viewers, listeners, and users; they are unique individuals created by God. We use words like “content” and “consumer” but how many of us ever think of ourse...

Investments that Matter

The story of Ray Gary an iDonate

After nearly 15 years with Bob Buford at Halftime, I could tell you incredible stories of people who read his book, participated in coaching, and decided to follow Jesus instead of striving for the gold watch. This is one of those stories.

Three years ago Ray Gary entered the Halftime Institute in Dallas and introduced himself with a simple statement: “Hello, my name is Ray Gary. I spent the last 26 years of my l...

Marketing and Technology Collide

Why both are critical to your ministry's future

At one time, the lines between marketing and technology were clear. The technology team lived in the basement and was only seen for free lunches or the blue screen of death. Marketing folks lived upstairs in the excitement of brainstorming big ideas and reaching new audiences. Today those lines are no longer clear. Audiences are online, and technology is critical to reach them.

At The A Group, we live at the intersec...

Mastering Social Media

Multiply ministry impact through social networks

Traditionally we start our churches or other Christian organizations to impact our communities — or even have a national presence. But very rarely do we realize that once we create a website or social media account, we become an international organization.

Social Media is one of the best ways to reach people with your message because it allows you to reach people right where they are, on their soc...


Francis Chan on the call to discipleship

CLA President Tami Heim  recently interviewed Francis Chan, who will be a keynote speaker at CLA Dallas 2014 (April 14-16, 2014).

Chan is the best-selling author of books including: Crazy Love, Forgotten God, and Erasing Hell, as well as the host of the BASIC.series (Who is God & We Are Church). He has also written children’s books: Halfway Herbert, The Big...