What’s the Key to Email Success By Chris Dolan
What’s Key to Increasing Email Success?
Email is one of the most used modes of communication, which will only continue to grow as technology advances. It is important to factor this type of communication into your marketing strategy in order to stay relevant with your audience.
Let’s examine a few email best practices to help elevate your marketing strategy.
Mobile Responsiveness
We all know that the time we spend on our phones completely skyrocketed in 2020, trending years earlier than predicted. Where have you been checking your personal email? According to the Global Web Index, It is likely you fall within the 72% of users that prefer to use their mobile devices over a PC. It is easier than ever to make sure your email is mobile friendly. There are tools online like Be Free that have mobile responsive templates available at no cost to you.
Telling your organization’s story is so important. Branding helps your members immediately recognize you’re emailing them at first glance. There are many tools online that can help you start branding your organization at no cost, like Coolers to help identify brand colors and Unsplash to find free stock images. To learn more about branding, join us for our “What’s the Point of Branding” webinar on May 27th at 2PM CST.
Personalize Emails
Personalizing is the best way to really connect to your audience at a deeper level. Sure, you could add a couple of email replacement codes into the email, but are you thinking of who you are sending that email to? Your audience appreciates that you know who they are to you. Spend time segmenting your audience to provide the best emails to the right person helps them know you are thinking about the individual, not the list.
We communicate for the purpose of receiving a response, but keeping readers engaged can sometimes be difficult. If a reader knows that they are expected to do something while reading an email, it is well worth adding calls-to-action. We want to make that call-to-action as easy to identify as possible. Be sure to add a call-to-action button to make sure the link pops. The button will also give you an opportunity to break up some of the page’s content, which will make it more digestible to the reader.
Email Footers
Readers want to know who has access to their information.
In fact, the FCC’s guidelines require a footer that contains a mailing address, organization name, and link to unsubscribe in every mass distributed email. Standardizing your email footers is also an excellent way to assure your communication does not get sent to spam.
Communicating to your audience in this traditional way is not going anywhere, so keeping your strategy dynamic and up to date is essential to your success.
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Chris Dolan is the VP of Product and Strategfy for TouchPoint Software. Joining the team in November 2019, Chris brings over a dozen years of practical ministry experience leveraging technology to serve the church. At TouchPoint he oversees the product roadmap and growth initiatives.
Join us for the May Webcast on May 20 at 2:00 pm CST.
Learn about Touchpoint’s Guide to Effective Email Communication.
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