Weekend Words of Wisdom #9
Go Deep
As I think of my own life and the counsel I would give to younger leaders, one foundational issue rises above all others – be a man or woman who goes deep in the word of God regularly and persistently.
This practice goes far beyond formal training. it is marked by the study of scriptures, a meaningful devotional life, and consistent application of the Word to one’s life.
Depth in the Word of God is the basis of all leadership.
Can a person do well without this?
Unfortunately yes, in the short term. However, we cannot live on yesterday’s walk with God. We are playing for the long haul in life and leadership.
Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.
~ 2 Timonthy 2:15
How deep are you willing to go?
Dr. Jerry White – International President Emeritus, the Navigators, an excerpt from
Nonprofit Leadership in a For-Profit World: Essential Insights from 15 Christian Executives
Mark your calendars for April 30 – May 2, 2013. Register today for the 2013 CLA National Conference in Anaheim.