GenY is Coming – Are You Ready for Us? By Jay Shere
Two friends of mine (both former classmates at Azusa Pacific University) recently sold their tech start-up for $30 million dollars. My wife and a close friend (also both APU grads) have started their own writing/editing business. A quick scan of my LinkedIn contacts reveals vice presidents, directors, and mid-level managers. Some have titles that didn’t exist ten years ago (social media architect, digital marketing manager, chief experience officer, etc.). Most are well-educated. Their skills are varied. Their industries run the gamut from technology to ministry. But they all have one thing in common:
They’re working their way into executive leadership in ministries and for-profit organizations.
Generation Y—the future. This group’s oldest folks were born between 1976 and 1982 (depending on the research study). As I write this, those “elders” have already turned thirty, and we’re beginning our climb up the leadership ladder. But what does that look like? Especially as the retirement age is no longer fixed at 65. How will three generations (Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Gen Y) work together to lead organizations?
As the director of marketing for Evangelical Christian Credit Union and someone who leads a staff of nine individuals, I would like to start a conversation that will help us all grow. To kick-start that conversation, let me begin by laying out some of the key questions I see facing leaders today:
For Boomers and Gen X:
- What would you like to learn about Gen Y?
- What concerns do you have about Gen Y’s future in leadership?
- How can members of Gen Y increase their leadership potential?
For Gen Y:
- Where are you leading today?
- What can Boomers and Gen X do to help you lead better?
- What are some of the roadblocks you see to leadership?
What additional questions do you have about Gen Y and their future in leadership?
Jay Sherer serves as the marketing director for Evangelical Christian Credit Union, where he has worked since 2007. Follow him on Twitter: @JaySherer, and connect with him on LinkedIn.
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Christian Leadership Alliance equips and unites leaders to transform the world for Christ. We are the leaders of Christ-centered organizations who are dedicated to faithful stewardship for greater kingdom impact.
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