CLATV: Internet TV and Radio is Here!
Christian Leadership Alliance Announces: CLATV
Christian Leadership Alliance (CLA) is pleased to introduce its new multi-channel Internet TV & Radio eStation, CLATV. This new innovative learning experience has been designed to bring Christian leaders, like you, content that will educate, inform, and inspire your leadership journey. CLATV advances CLA’s mission to equip and unite leaders to transform the world for Christ.
True to CLA tradition, you will find well-known and high profile thought leaders addressing topics that are relevant, timely, and timeless. With a regularly updated library of audio and video from more than 100 content providers, CLATV promises to inspire higher thinking for greater Kingdom outcomes.
In addition to hosting the eStation, CLA is responsible for aggregating the content featured on the Leadership Channel. CLA is grateful for the vision and collaboration of the Leadership Channel launch content providers: Azusa Pacific University, The Chuck Colson Center for Christian Worldview, Growing Leaders, Journeys with the Messiah, Lead Like Jesus, Ministry Grid, and The Salvation Army (SAVN.tv). We appreciate these organizations and their dedication to equipping Christian leaders and world changers.
In addition to what’s already been covered, the CLATV eStation offers many other unique features:
- A great viewing experience on all electronic smartphones, tablets, and laptops
- Personalized live chat tool for spiritual coaching in 53 languages
- Access to the YouVersion Bible search application from the eStation
- Easy social sharing on your favorite social media site
- Links to all content providers for more information and resources to help you grow
- Round the clock availability (listen and watch on all devices 24/7)
- Ability to view already aired programming On Demand
And for the ultimate experience, watch CLATV on your TV, with Chromecast and Apple TV, using your smartphone, tablet or laptop as the controller.
Here are 5 Way you can help us spread the news about CLATV
- Share the news with your leadership team and watch CLATV as your next lunch and learn opportunity with staff.
- Follow @CLALeader, @CLAOutcomes, and @CLATVLive and RT program listings.
- LIKE Christian Leadership Alliance on FB and share posts about CLATV with your friends.
- Share segments of programming and start discussions with your colleagues on LinkedIn.
- Announce the launch is a blog or organizational newsletter – introduce this new learning experience to your entire team.
CLA deeply appreciates Gordon Marcy, founder of the Glorystone.TV platform. His passion for using technology to equip leaders and reach the world for Christ has given this dream and initiative life.
And finally, during the month of July, CLATV will feature the service videos from the sponsors of the CLA Conference- Dallas 2014 general sessions. We offered a sneak preview of CLATV to conferees and showcased our general-session sponsors’ service videos during that time. We value the support of conference sponsors and we are delighted to feature them again during the launch of CLATV.
If you want to learn more about how to be more involved with CLATV, fill out the contact form and a member of CLA staff will follow up with you!