The Significance of Your Influence
If you are a leader who is serious about making a difference in your role, I suggest you consider the why of the responsibility you have been privileged to engage in. As a believer, you are gifted with a task that is too noble to describe merely as a profession.
You are in place to serve the purpose of God. You are an influence not only for the good of your organization or firm; God has called you to participate in the renewing of your country.
Leaders in the grip of faith, who understand that they possess a sacred trust, are a powerful force in society. They should have a clear understanding of who they are and of the high value in what they do. They are not deterred in spite of subtle or blatant efforts to push the presence and voice of Christian belief to the margins of our culture.
Are you embracing your leadership assignment?
Israel Gaither, retired National Commander, The Salvation Army. This post is an excerpt from Non Profit Leadership in a For-Profit World: Essential Insights from 15 Christian Executives.
Be sure to watch Israel Gaither’s incredible lesson on The Second Touch, this week at CLA: Anaheim 2013 on CLATV: Internet TV and Radio for Leaders.