Faith-Based Retirement Plan Survey
Today’s Reality
As Christians, we’ve surrendered our right to live for ourselves and now live for Him. How do we apply that counter-cultural attitude to retirement? Developing a faith-based retirement plan with Him in mind can change our lives. Retirement is not only a reward for past service, but a stepping-stone to future ministry.
Did you know that many employees of Christian ministries are financially challenged at retirement time? Many are even winding up in poverty? We don’t want that to happen and we know you don’t either. As leaders of faith-based organizations, we need to do whatever we can to stop this trend, putting together a faith-based retirement plan is crucial to this end.
The Faith-Based Retirement Plan Survey™
Christian Leadership Alliance and Envoy Financial are partnering together to bring you once again the Annual Faith-Based Retirement Plan Survey™.
Christian Leadership Alliance has been a co-sponsor of the CRI Compensation Survey since 2004, helping leaders of faith-based organizations make better compensation decisions. The findings from the Faith-Based Retirement Plan Survey™ will now help you make better leadership decisions about your organization’s retirement plan. Together, we can create another trusted resource to assist you in the development of a cost efficient and competitive compensation package.
The results of this survey will allow us to identify and summarize:
- Faith-based retirement plan benchmarks
- Legal and compliance insights
- Industry best practices
The survey will be compiled and available in time for The Outcomes Conference – CLA Dallas 2015.
Your participation in this survey matters and it only take nine minutes to complete!
And just in case you didn’t order or receive a copy of 2013 survey results, you still can order one today.