High-Impact Investment of Time and Talents
Let the wise hear and increase in learning, and the one who understands obtain guidance ~ Proverbs 1:5
We each have something to give and receive in this life. Engaging in a mentoring relationship is a biblical way for you to do both. Wondering if you’re truly ready to take that next step? What follows will guide you.
You’re Ready to Be a Mentor if…
You know God has given you precious time and talents. You also know your faithfulness is connected to how well you steward them. Time and talents can be quickly multiplied when they are appropriately invested and that is exactly what you desire to do.
You’re ready to pay forward the difference a mentor’s high-impact investment of time and talents made in your life. You’ve witnessed how God honors and rewards the time Christian leaders use to invest in each other. With Christian Leadership Alliance’s Outcomes Mentoring Network you now have an opportunity to advance the trajectory of another leader’s impact by becoming part of this dynamic mentoring community.
As a CLA mentor, you’ll discover how rewarding it is to share your wisdom and professional expertise. Complete the application, commit to a minimum of one-hour a month for six months, enhance your skills and knowledge through a library of mentoring resources, and prayerfully wait to receive your match.
Mentor applications are accepted at any time and a relationship manager will schedule an interview soon after your application is submitted. CLA’s goal is to match the greatest need of a mentee with the greatest expertise of a mentor. CLA is grateful to have the platform and team available to help achieve this outcome.
You’re Ready to Find a Mentor if…
You recognize you’re stuck. You have skill gaps that need to be filled. Perhaps you’re at a place in life where having a wiser person to guide you is just what you believe is needed to keep you moving forward. The Outcomes Mentoring Network is ready to make this possible for you. Christian Leadership Alliance’s state-of-the-art platform and relationship managers enable you to connect with a seasoned Christian leader who has the right skills and experiences to meet your need.
The CLA mentoring community has some of America’s most well-respected Christian leaders in it. If you’re a CLA member, then the cost of this experience is only $75 a month. It’s an extraordinary value that is sure to yield a priceless return.
Matching occurs each month and the deadline for mentee applications is always posted on the website. May 15, 2015 is the last day for mentees to apply for the next mentoring cycle.
Visit the Outcomes Mentoring Network website or Contact CLA at (949) 487-0900, ext. 111.
Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise; ~ Proverbs 13:20a
What is Christian Leadership Alliance?
Christian Leadership Alliance equips and unites leaders to transform the world for Christ. We are the leaders of Christ-centered organizations who are dedicated to faithful stewardship for greater kingdom impact.
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