The Effectiveness of a Humble Leader by Jeremy Kingsley
By Jeremy Kingsley
I suspect that the biggest factor, however, is a growing awareness that it works—and that it leaves everyone involved better off than zero-sum business philosophies where the winners end up on top and the losers don’t matter.
At its heart, servant leadership is based on the simplest of concepts: Humility – by caring for others and putting their well-being first. Here are some examples of why it’s so effective:
By the nature of their position, leaders are highly visible—and few things are more motivating to team members than seeing leaders forego privilege and put themselves in the trenches. Those actions don’t undermine leadership; they support it, and in a way that nothing else can do.
More visibility, access, and empathy mean easier communication in both directions. When team members feel free to share their ideas and concerns—and to hear feedback from leadership without feeling frightened and defensive—everyone prospers.
There’s a reason we hold special esteem for leaders who come up through the ranks. When leadership is grounded in a shared sense of mission and acknowledgement of each team member’s importance, everyone feels ownership and everyone participates without external incentives or threats. Both leadership and team members are rewarded primarily in terms of the team’s performance rather than their individual power or earnings.
Servant leadership means teams are built on relationships, trust, and mutual respect rather than authority and ego, so bonds run deeper. People are committed to their team and their work in a way that goes way beyond a paycheck.
When leaders put others’ interests ahead of their own, they make decisions differently. “What’s best for me?” is replaced with other questions: “What’s best for the team? What’s best for the mission? What’s best for our neighbors?”
It’s hard to move outside ethical bounds when you’re operating within that framework.
The bottom line: Servant leadership is as connected as any other business model to the realities of expectations, performance and accountability—it just places those factors within a different context. The ultimate difference regarding servant leadership – it is the leadership Jesus taught and modeled for us.
But Jesus called them to him and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. It shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant,and whoever would be first among you must be your slave,” ~ Matthew 20: 25-27
Jeremy Kingsley is a professional speaker, best-selling author, and the President of OneLife Leadership. Jeremy holds bachelors and masters degrees from Columbia International University. He is the author of four books, his latest is titled: Inspired People Produce Results (McGraw Hill 2013).
What’s Happening This Month
- June 12 – Outcomes Mentoring Network: Last day for Mentees to submit profiles for June mentoring relationship matches.
- June 25 – CLA Encore Series Webcast: Leading at the Speed of Trust with Mark Siegrist. Register now!
- June 29 – CLA Online Academy Summer Session: Last day to enroll for this dynamic online learning experience.
- June 30 – The Outcomes Conference: CLA Dallas 2016: Last day to save on best pricing of the year. CLA members who register four, get a fifth registration FREE.