6 Applications from Asia for All Steward Leaders by Gary G. Hoag, Ph.D.
By Gary G. Hoag, Ph.D. ~
I just returned from teaching a class with seventeen students at Torch Trinity Graduate University in Seoul, South Korea, entitled Biblical Stewardship and Christian Generosity. The experience was a highlight of my academic career because I learned so much from these globally-minded and mission-focused steward leaders. Here’s a sampling of six global applications for church and ministry settings from papers they wrote.
Eunji (South Korea): Repent and do what the Scriptures say!
“We should practice simply what the Scripture says … Merely talking about this issue is not enough. We must put what we know into practice … For example we can set aside a small amount of money weekly or monthly when we get income … That kind of constant preparation requires effort. There is no true love without sacrifice.”
Timothy (India): We must learn to receive with gratitude and then give guided by the Holy Spirit.
“God has given us His resources, and we are stewards … Whatever we have, we are to share with others around us, so that the gospel can be proclaimed. We must be zealous in our giving, and we must also receive knowing that we receive to give. We work under the inspiration and guidance of the Holy Spirit, who is a gift from God.”
Andrew (USA/South Korea): Connect stewardship to discipleship!
“My understanding of discipleship mostly included being a steward of the gospel and spiritual gifts, those were understood to be God’s and not mine, but for some reason when it comes to goods, I was more apt to claim ownership or live as if I was in charge. So connecting stewardship to discipleship is a huge shift for me.”
Moonhee (China): Faithful stewards are “God’s middlemen.”
“Faithful stewards know who they are and what they have to do. Living in accordance with the Masters’ will, stewards are not more than the middlemen … Therefore, giving is not the floating of money that the rich would easily spare, but the willful privilege for anyone who acknowledges he or she does not own anything they possess …”
Imran (Pakistan): Generosity is a lifestyle.
We have responsibilities as stewards of God … We are blessed to bless others but the actual Provider is God … The teachings of Old and New Testaments have taught us to be generous. I am learning to share the gospel, goods, and gifts with others and my attitude matters … Generosity is a lifestyle …”
Amrit (Nepal): Faithful stewards do justly!
Faithful stewards…
(1) Love God not money.
(2) Serve others not ourselves.
(3) Worry not for our daily bread.
(4) Always bless, as God blesses us.
Recently an earthquake hit … people are sick, helpless, and poor. Let us do justice for everyone. Justice reveals the personality of our Creator. Justice includes generosity and sharing.
What makes these lessons so beautiful? They reflect biblical teaching, they flow from the hearts of passionate stewards, and they apply anywhere in the world. Pick one (or more) that spoke to your heart and take some time today to pray and ask God about how it may relate to your life and steward leadership.
“Let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.” 1 John 3:18
Gary G. Hoag, Ph.D. (New Testament, Trinity College, Bristol, UK), serves as ECFA Press Author and International Liaison as well as Visiting Professor at TEDS among other roles. He has dedicated his life to encouraging Christian generosity as the Generosity Monk. To receive his daily Meditations, visit www.generositymonk.com.
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