My Witnesses By Tami Heim
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth. – Acts 1:8
In the book of Acts Jesus commissions his followers, who were present in that moment, to be his witnesses. He also commissioned us. We read of the incredible momentum of the gospel of Jesus Christ advancing through the work of the Apostles. The Holy Spirit empowered the momentum of the early church and Christ’s great work in our world.
That same kingdom momentum is alive for us today.
Despite conflicts, adversity and opposition, God is in control. You were chosen to lead in these times of unique challenge and extraordinary opportunity. Like the early Christians, we must wholly depend on the power of God at work in and through us to accomplish his purpose. We must keep the faith and diligently seek him.
As Kingdom momentum builds, the opportunities for truth to permeate this world multiply. As Christian leaders we must be ready to faithfully steward our role in God’s redemptive plan.
Christian Leadership Alliance (CLA) creates an opportunity for leaders to stand in unity and equip each other for greater kingdom impact. Alliance faculty have prepared for the most significant leadership training event of the year, The Outcomes Conference. By learning directly through the expertise, wisdom and life experiences of others, the Alliance models what Jesus intended his followers to do.
The Outcomes Conference offers leaders more than 350 hours of practical training. Participants create the training schedule that best meet their needs. They select from 90-minute workshops, a full-day Intensive Training Institute and two-day Outcomes Academy courses.
Recognizing that skills must be aligned with our faith, The Outcomes Conference is covered in prayer both before and during the event. Each morning begins with devotions, and general session speakers guide attendees to a deeper understanding of how to steward well the assignment and resources God has given them.
If you are called to Christian nonprofit ministry, church leadership, a Christian educational institution, or a business that supports Christian ministry, then join us on April 4 – 6, 2017 for The Outcomes Conference.
It is time to…
Strengthen in unity as Christian leaders…
Invest in each other with wisdom and truth…
Encourage each other in faith.
Tami Heim is the president and CEO of Christian Leadership Alliance. The Alliance exists to equip and unite leaders called to transform the world for Christ.
The event is only nine weeks so now is the time to register and reserve your place!