Momentum One: Wisdom By Kay Arthur
Momentum: Wisdom
What if God in mercy and wisdom has responded to our fasting and prayers and provided a window of time to seek and make disciples in our nation and from the nations living in our land?
What would it mean to share the gospel without the fear of reprisal?
Are we ready to seize the day for our God and his gospel?
Do we have the momentum to recover what we lost in the late 60s, early 70s, when the church in America seemed to move, biblically speaking, from the victorious days of conquest under Joshua to the dark days of the Judges?
And there arose another generation after them who did not know the Lord, nor yet the work which He had done for Israel. ~ Judges 2:10b
How did the church that had so many blessings lose momentum for God, with everyone doing what is right in their own eyes, as in the days of Judges 21:25?
Where did our “Joshuas” go?
Those leaders who meditate on God’s Word, are strong and courageous, obeying God’s commands, not turning to the right or the left, doing what God called them to do.
I’ve spent days reading Acts in The New Inductive Study Bible (Harvest House Publishers, 2013) observing and marking specific key repeated words that I felt held the answer to my question. There is much wisdom to be found in this book.
In Acts, I observe four keys to gospel momentum:
The Word
The Spirit
*All Scripture citations in this article are from the New American Standard Bible (NASB).
Look for this series of special posts on the Saturdays leading up to The Outcomes Conference April 4-6, 2017 as Kay Arthur breaks down each one of these keys to gospel momentum!
Kay Arthur is the co-founder of Precept Ministries. Kay is the teacher and host of Precepts for Life™, a daily television, radio and online program with an audience reach of over 75 million households, broadcasting into more than 30 countries. This post is an excerpt from her article in the 2017 spring Edition of Outcomes magazine.